Seems fine to me. I’d even be okay with full NSFW blocking if that seems safer legally speaking. Do what you gotta do to reduce any danger to yourself.
Seems fine to me. I’d even be okay with full NSFW blocking if that seems safer legally speaking. Do what you gotta do to reduce any danger to yourself.
No this can’t be the end for Buffy! Just look at that majestic awkwardness. It’s hard to overcome the cute factor though
Anon, please be sure to get enough rest! I know how much work you put into these brackets but if you need to reduce your prep time and just post informational links instead of a full summary that is okay!
Also, go BFO! I thought this would be a gimme but I guess not :(
I still have hope. The first two seasons were just serviceable enough that if it doesn’t decline in general quality and the actors become more comfortable in their roles as you would expect, I would consider it a comparative win for fantasy adaptations. They have a chance to make something exciting with the Aeiel this season. I hope Shoreh Agdashloo is given a chance to shine as I’ve never seen a property that was made worse by her involvement.
Just met a Saw Whet owl this weekend and this BFO looks quite a bit different, surprised they are closely related! I wish this wasn’t the first matchup as I think the Buff would have a good chance against anyone else.
I dunno there’s probably better choices but these were what I thought of. Is there a website that has a copy of every public domain music file?
BFO! The BFO army grows its ranks with another member this year even if its not a fish owl and has a tough first matchup.
Hoping to see one of the big fish owls or a horned type taking it this year.
Totally agree. I still really liked LoK but it tried to interrogate much more complicated politics than ATLA and really highlighted for me how much the showwriters and I disagreed. Both Amon and Zaheer are undercut for seemingly no good reason. I hated how they portrayed the fall of the earth monarchy.
Yeah, same. It just gets better and better. I do sometimes wonder how it would appeal to people who don’t play D&D. Though I never followed Critical Role and like it so I guess that’s a point in its favor.
This will make attacking more powerful relatively which seems to be the direction creature design has moved too. It seems to me like powering up attacking and down blocking is good for exciting games.
I hope they reprint Walker. That would be cool
Welcome fellow worker! Good to have you on Lemmy. Keep in mind that posts and comments are public here too - sometimes I forget that since it has such a small community feel.
Works fine on Android 2.17.1 for me
These look cool and would be great images for a Construct Wizard’s familiar or something similar.
I agree with anon that AI images should be accepted here as long as they are clearly labeled and not deceptive. I do downvote slop when it’s just a shitpost but this doesn’t strike me like that.
Yeah, I agree with everything you said and given the votes you might not be in the minority with that opinion. I see the jokey melodrama as the heart of that show so the narrator adds to it for me.
FMA:B and Frieren both are great in dub. Kaguya-sama has an absolutely fantastic dub narrator. Most romcom dubs really detract from the show but that is an exception.
one is hianime(dot)to
I do this too. I would need them if I lost my phone, so bitwarden/keepass is a good place for them to be.
I think it is less secure though since someone who somehow has the unencrypted vault without your 2FA device could get in with the codes - but if someone cracks my master password I’m screwed in a whole bunch of ways so I’m not sure it matters too much at that point.
Lackadaisy is pretty close though I think those cats act exactly like humans with no cat behaviors
Hama might be Sultai
Aang is 5C on at least one mythic
Amon is Esper
Zaheer is Mardu