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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2023


  • Yeah maybe it started out that way for sure, but after so much death people on both sides are starting to consider other options. You can see that in Israel right now, people who are rejecting this narrative of either us or them. Maybe the crazies will always think this way, but over time people will be willing to make concessions. After all what good is it to rule a pile of rubble constantly under attack ?

    A half promised land at peace is better than an entire promised land constantly in war economy. It’s not only quality of life we’re talking about. The entirety of the Jewish people is being blemished and shamed by the current actions of Israel.

  • It’s very likely if this passes people who used to be tech illiterate will start using pre encryption, such as the darknet’s favorite PGP, before sending anything over, as all channels that are compliant will become insecure channels.

    Much like it happened with vpns, chat encryption and ad blocking, people will be quick to catch on with a simple youtube video. Then we’ll have sold our privacy for pretty much nothing.

    I wonder how long it will take for these very technologically inept politicians to realise you can’t legislate the internet to protect children, nor it is their job. Parents are the ones who are responsible for monitoring their children’s internet usage. Make child monitoring software more accessible to parents.

    I’m glad to see those taxes being put into pointless endeavours while our world is festering with inequality, recessions and climate annihilation. Pretty sure soon enough children won’t need protection, because there won’t be any children left as no one can afford them in order to sustain our billionaire population.

  • The US as a country is wholly complicit in this genocide. Both their major parties are 100% in support of genocide. Their universities are investing millions in weapons factories that create the tools of the genocide. Their taxpayer dollars go towards directly funding the genocide. This after the 20 years long wars they caused in the middle east with the countless suffering caused by that.

    I am disgusted at Israel and the US. Never forget what the US really is. How can any of us from “third world” countries see the US as anything better than the worst that China and Russia have done ? They’re all cut from the same cloth.

  • It might sound like a pretty obvious thing, but have you tried changing the tools into the “Tabbed ribbon” that office uses instead of the classic old 90s organization scheme in options ?

    I have come to notice that when people who don’t really work with computers very well, in particular boomers, say that they can’t stand LibreOffice, they mean they don’t like the layout of the tools, because they can’t find anything they need. I suppose they just got used to where everything is with modern office.

    Just change it and see if she will like it better. Usually solves it for the boomers i help. Nothing is holding LibreOffice back more than their default layout scheme. They really don’t know their target audience’s pain points AT ALL. Just goes to show why you need to study your users using the product without being explained anything.

    I don’t get why their default is a layout that has been outdated for 24 years. Nostalgia or what? Only really old people who used computers in the 90s a lot will intuitively find it useful.

  • "Guys please, can you just ignore the dead children for one minute? They’re already dead, it’s not like they care anyway.

    We’re trying to make money here and your empathy for your fellow human beings is just mucking it all up. Please, please try to follow the apolitical rules we laid out and for the duration of the show and just stfu and give us money ok ? That’s all we want. Bring the money and leave your messy politics at home. Your complaining makes other people not want to give us more money.

    Remember why we’re doing this. For culture and money. But mostly money. Thanks!"

  • Mullvad has written a post about it Here.


    The desktop versions (Windows, macOS and Linux) of Mullvad’s VPN app have firewall rules in place to block any traffic to public IPs outside the VPN tunnel. These effectively prevent both LocalNet and TunnelVision from allowing the attacker to get hold of plaintext traffic from the victim.

    Android is not vulnerable to TunnelVision simply because it does not implement DHCP option 121, as explained in the original article about TunnelVision.

    iOS is unfortunately vulnerable to TunnelVision, for the same reason it is vulnerable to LocalNet, as we outlined in our blog post about TunnelCrack. The fix for TunnelVision is probably the same as for LocalNet, but we have not yet been able to integrate and ship that to production.

    I gotta say, i am really impressed with Mullvad. They’re not just a VPN seller. They write security compromise bulletins regularly and as soon as vulnerabilities show up and they actively lobby at the EU organs for more privacy laws. They really work and live their identity in every way.

  • What i figure from this is that the only reasons the Democrat party doesn’t win more often in the US, is that they’re really, really, really bad at their jobs.

    Like take Hillary for instance. She only lost because she managed to look more incompetent than Trump. Now Trump is doing his darnest that no one will be more incompetent than him, but by all the starts in the universe, genocide Joe will give him a run for his money

    Stay tuned for the election with the worst presidential candidates that the US could produce. It’s so embarrassing, i fear my face might freeze in the cringe.

  • Personally I’d say score voting would make the most sense. Essentially it works like this, you get a list of parties and you vote them 1-5 on how much you agree with them. This changes the whole dynamics as you now aren’t choosing who will rule, but how much you agree with each party ideologically and forcing you to research on their proposed mandate plans. It also serves as sort of an evaluation of how do you think each party has been addressing the country’s issues before the election.

    Mathematically, this may not ensure always the most happiness, but it ensures the least unhappiness compared to all current known voting methods (you can easily find research on how this was calculated in many papers on mathematics).

    Personally i would also propose returning to the old Roman and the first proposed French republic system of having 2-3 consuls of the most voted for parties and they take turns proposing legislation to a senate that’s a direct seated representation of the voting results.

    As an interesting tidbit, the reason we have a president/prime Minister with all the power in most western democracies, is because Napoleon altered the original proposed 3 consul system into a prime consul with all the power then minor ministers because he was aiming to become Emperor and wanted to centralize the power. Our democratic systems are strongly influenced by the first French republic post the French revolution.

  • NeuronautML@lemmy.mltoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldEmail admin
    3 months ago

    The survey fatigue is real. Everyone keeps begging for reviews nowadays. Even random things like public parking.

    I grow resentment at any business begging for reviews. Hire a consultant and third party to auction your service, I’m not doing it for free anymore. Specially because they don’t even read the comments you write or reply. It’s just nonsense an intern will put into an end of quarter ppt for some average mediocre manager.

  • I think i only used draw in my first few playthroughs before learning how to refine magic from the obscene amount of cards and mug items i had just lying around.

    Even beating first optional boss, the mechanical spider x-something at Dollet doesn’t require draw at all. You can get everthing you need by playing cards with the students at the library, cafeteria and front gate.

    It seems as if draw was meant as a last resort in case you didn’t wanna play cards or were stuck out of magic to junction. I do think they should explain you will unlock ways to refine magic from GF abilities in the tutorial though.