Similar to how vscode uses Ctrl+shift+arrows for multi line editing but for some reason on my person computer that is hot keyed to flip the screen upside down.
Similar to how vscode uses Ctrl+shift+arrows for multi line editing but for some reason on my person computer that is hot keyed to flip the screen upside down.
Nothing worse then when Garmin says “your Sundays don’t look very productive”. Yea no shit I’m hungover laying on the couch all day
Majority of my problems have by solved by not having Nvidia graphics. Personally Linux has been great at extending the life of old computers for me. Linux mint runs a million times faster than windows 10 on my old machines. But it also helps I am fairly tech literate so problems that come up don’t register as a bif of a deal to me compared to others.
But it’s not that simple. 100 boiling is only true at sea level. At 530 (~1750 feet) it’s 98c. At 1500m (~5000ft) it’s down to 95c. At 3000m (10k feet) it’s just under 90c. Ocean water freezes at -2c. Fully saturated salt water freezes at -21c.