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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • It’s also bizarre to do massive bailouts for certain industries then just become super principled about the free market on another one.

    This is exactly it. I’ve yet to see an argument for taking separate stances that is honest about the pros and cons. It always seems like there’s a bias depending on the situation and we’re meant to forget previous policies

    I had heard it said that the reason why the US sometimes tolerates grave trade imbalances and sending jobs abroad is because it gives us a lot of diplomatic clout.

    This and your last point are great! I think that’s really what gets missed. It doesn’t help that politicians and media companies seem to communicate in a patronizing way. Like, just tell us what’s the benefit of using slave labor or selling more weapon’s to shady groups. Tell us how much it’ll cost to change and who gets impacted. Let us have an honest transparent discussion. (/crazy, never gonna happen talk)

    I recall learning about President Diaz in Mexico (he was a dictator) and how he allowed Americans to basically own everything (natural resources, railroads, large industrial corporations, etc.) while Mexican citizens were left to become a permanent working class with no chance of ever competing. Interestingly, he was praised during his time in office by the most famous American robber barons and considered a great leader that helped make Mexico become “industrialized” and modernized. They said those things out loud and seemingly meant them

    I still genuinely do not know if the people praising him were using him and laughing quietly or if they genuinely saw it as a net positive for the average Mexican citizen at the time living as indentured servants forced to shop at company stores and whatnot. Like, if they genuinely believe it benefits the country to have such levels of inequality, it’s almost more worrying

  • Dude reread this whole thing. When did they say they support sexual predators? Do you even notice what you’re doing?

    They were trying to learn about what makes folks disregard Jill Stein as a third party candidate as a viable contender for president of the US.

    If you were intentionally trying to make them feel dumb and yourself feel smart, this would be an excellent strat, but I’m inclined to think you don’t believe you’re doing that. You probably wish to educate people about things you know. All I’m saying, is this ain’t the way

    Again, super sorry if my tone sucks. I’m specifically talking productive discourse. I don’t think that includes branding someone a sexual predator for sharing a link to an interview. We’ve fully jumped the shark here

  • That’s fair (since we’re both already getting downvoted. lol), I’ll totally admit I had no idea that’s what you were trying to communicate

    To me, it seemed super dismissive of what they were actually trying to communicate and have a discussion about since you only addressed the source and ignored the rest.

    Just went back, and yep the rest of the conversation, thanks to you, is entirely about the source. Was that helpful, to you? Do you think it was more helpful to you than to them? Did anyone else reading it change their mind? Just seems like pointless bickering instead of constructive dialogue (I’ll admit I am assuming this is something we all want)

  • I think this is where you get a split between leftists and neoliberals. (Note: I’m not a political science expert)

    I’m totally open to opposing views on this, because I don’t think this is something that gets discussed enough/honestly, but my first impression is that I’m totally in favor of this.

    I read Chip War (book on the history of Silicon Valley) and it covers up to Trump’s decision to put tariffs on Huawei, effectively ending their ability to monopolize the 5G market. I found myself supporting that as well, even though he makes his opinion known that Obama likely would not have done that - I doubt Biden/Harris would either. Granted, I think that’s because they’d be crucified for being anti-feee market and using government overreach. That said, silicon valley companies are happy to accept government support when it helps them compete against TSMC (supported by Taiwan’s gov). Imo, they do this because they want it both ways (gov support and low taxes/regulations). This is gross but I get it, so I’m usually just mostly disappointed in the American people that are asleep and rather stupid (not entirely their fault, but entirely their/our responsibility)

  • You’re not meeting resistance from folks (likely more into politics or for longer) because we disagree with what she or her supporters have said or the policies they support. You’re getting resistance and downright vitriol because of the context surrounding her and her campaign

    There’s a lot of info to disseminate, so instead I’ll inspire you to look into the history of Americans political parties, the history of third parties and their presidential candidates, and the spoiler effect in a 2 party system (and it’s impact on US history as a bonus)

    I think AOC made a really good point recently about her (you can look it up, or let me know and I can help). She said it’s curious how Jill Stein, and many other oddball candidates (for lack of a better word), just pop up every four years seeking support for their campaign. She then said it goes from seeming authentic to predatory because they’re not actually doing anything the rest of the time to start a movement for their party.

    I couldn’t have ever said it better. The reason I was upset when Yang ran wasn’t because of his policy proposals, it’s because he has no experience, anyone paying attention knew he had no chance, and he was making a mockery of the entire thing by simply being there. I might’ve digressed too far there, but the point is without real plans to win, it’s just influencer shit and scamming people out of their money, at best, and straight up evil political deception on a massive scale for personal gain, at worst

    Sorry, if that was too long. Hope it made sense

  • As someone that’s mostly stopped watching and supporting him, that’s lame and you should know you’re not going to convince someone that disagrees with you by simply attacking their sources.

    Oh did trump say something true? Well have you considered who he is? I guess I don’t have to even consider what he said now! How convenient

    I’m only saying this because you literally didn’t even try to understand the person you replied to; you just said they’re wrong because of who they agree with. We can at least pretend to care about what ppl we disagree with say! lol

    Imo, it’s pretty sad how we’ve legit learned absolutely nothing about political (or basic) discourse in the last decade. I recommend High Conflict as a starting point for anyone curious about having better discussions with people you disagree with. Shaming/Making them feel bad never works (it only triggers a fight or flight response). I’m definitely still trying to practice this, myself. (Sorry if I could’ve said it in a nicer way)