Yeah, I think I’m gonna go for the full mainboard swap over that kind of soldering job. I’m not exactly new when it comes to soldering, but I don’t think I can manage components of that scale with my shaky old man hands.
I did mean the towel trick as the last hail mary pass idea if all else fails, I’ve only done it once myself with my old 970 that started bluescreening all of a sudden. It did live for another 2 years after that, I would call it a success. Not typical getting that much, I’m aware.
I’ll have a go with the PSU swap and let’s see how it goes. Cheers for the advice!
Hmm, yeah, I don’t think that’s very likely. Used it on the same TV for the entirety of it’s lifecycle, and I believe I was using my PC monitor when I was troubleshooting. Very unlikely for two devices to cause the same issue. I’ll keep it in mind either way, who knows.