Wouldn’t it be possible to host outside the UK?
Wouldn’t it be possible to host outside the UK?
It’s not your job to secure my device. It’s your job to provide the service I’m paying you for.
We don’t have “one” health insurance, we have like 90 of them.
While a few of them are the same with the same administration, it’s still like 50 individual ones. A few of those are also “special” and only accept certain people. But each has their own administration, “CEO” of sorts and people that have to be paid.
The german healthcare system is mismanaged beyond belief and complete and utter dogshit. Don’t get me wrong, still better than the american system, but considering I’m paying 421,76€ a month in health insurance (and my employer pays the same amount aswell), I should be able to expect a certain level of service, but most of the money is lost in these administrations as it seems.
Many stuff isn’t paid for either. Early checkups, for example, aren’t covered. My girlfriend had to have her blood levels checked and it wasn’t covered by the insurance which cost her like 500€.
It’s just a fucking disgrace how bad the healthcare system in this country is.
It’s only officially supported on google phones because sadly those are the only ones that are not modified to fuck which makes installing and supporting other OS’es way too much work.
Giving google money once for a device is not a problem from a privacy or security standpoint.
Well that’s bad. I’ve been using revolut for years now.
Does anyone have a suggestion for a new bank that’s operating under european law?
As a revolut user, this is pretty Bad news lmao.
And a system of private health insurance provision also has higher administrative costs than a single-payer system, in which the government is the sole insurer.
Clearly havent seen the german system
Thats weird to hear when there was a pro-palestine demonstration 10 min away from here lmao
well to be fair, I’m not buying a hotdog for 1 USD and expect premium meat in that thing.
He doesn’t tho. He just offers such a good service to people that they don’t want to use anything else. That’s not a monopoly.
I am well aware of that. But AGAIN, no dev that is self-published complains about the 30% cut because if he did all of the stuff steam does by himself he’d be paying WAY more than the 30% steam charges.
AnEcDoTaL eViDeNcE
With all due respect, fuck off. Publishers have been extorting the game industry for over 2 decades and yet people like are sitting around wanting more money from them. Go shill for some CEO but stop bothering me if you don’t want to see the fucking truth.
Experts see this as part of a broader trend toward violence over societal disputes
If you take away everything, at some point, people have nothing to lose
As someone that has assisted indie developers for years, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a publisher that didn’t borderline extort his devs except if the head of the dev studio was playing golf with the CEO of the publishing company.
Well I’d also profit if groceries wouldn’t have doubled in price but we can’t all have what we want.
I can only repeat myself: Paying steam 30% of your revenue is next to nothing compared to what publishers are usually taking from an indie dev.
Amongst the top 100 most valuable companies, not a single one is ran as a worker collective. If we extend it to the top 1000 most valuable companies, we have mondragon, the IFFCO and CHS. Which is still only 3 of 1000. I don’t know how much more of a source you need.
current legal systems
The current legal system doesn’t do anything to prevent worker-ran companies.
societal incentive structures
Dunno what you mean by that tbh.
In the end, too many cooks spoil the broth. Worker collectives suffer exactly from that problem. On top of that, many people don’t WANT to be a part of their company. They want to work 4 - 8 hours, get their safe salary and move on. If the company goes bankrupt, they move on and don’t want to be personally liable. On top of that, having a company with a lot of employees that all have an equal say in matters makes such companies extremely inflexible.
I legit never met anyone IRL with a job that was claiming that worker collectives are the greatest thing ever, it’s only on lemmy or other lefty online communities where this statement is spread.
Yes but no solo developer with a single brain cell is complaining about steam taking 30% of the cut because they know that the value steam offers them is way less than that 30% cut.
Devs don’t complain about the cut anyways. Publishers do because they’re the one affected the most by the cut.
I’m well aware that mondragon is big, it’s the prime example that’s always brought up when “MUUUH WORKER SHOULD OWN THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION!!!”
Doesn’t change the fact that the overwhelming majority of businesses are not ran by the workers themselves.
I mean, technically, she’s not a witcher since she never went through with the mutations whixh are required.
However, considering shes basically a demi-god, she’s probably fine lmao