Det er trods alt hundredevis af kroner per tesla der bliver købt, jeg ved ikke engang om det kan sammenlignes med den information en bruger giver sociale medier.
Born 1983, He/him, Danish AuDD introvert that’s surfed the internet since he was a tween.
Det er trods alt hundredevis af kroner per tesla der bliver købt, jeg ved ikke engang om det kan sammenlignes med den information en bruger giver sociale medier.
There ought to more indie outlets like itch.io, preferably non-American, and maybe if GOG had a similar site for just free or low cost indie games, that’d help bring upcoming indie artists in the door which eventually could make trustworthy titles worthy of their more premium store. Shame they have such odd vetting process, yet they don’t have a problem with over low quality stuff like the Postal series[1].
On the other hand, Valve wishing to seek an alternative to Microsoft’s poor decision[1] making has been a great boon to the Linux community. Valve was also there at the start of Vulkan[2]. But is “funny” that Gabe Newell started off as a Microsoft employee, in fact the one that led the team that ported Doom to Windows with Doom95 and in turn also helped launch Windows (95) as the gaming OS for decades to come.
As much as I distrust and hate corporations, Valve isn’t in it for the shareholders, you can’t buy Valve stocks and that means they at least have a bit more soul than a lot of other corporations - even though they are profit seeking.
What I don’t like about them is how they sell you a service, not an actual game. You technically buy a lifelong lease on each game, never ownership. Your shit can be gone in minutes with nothing to prove for it, except for bank statements saying Valve took your money.
Which is why I’ll always buy on GOG[3] if possible. DRM free and European.
Som vestsjællænder er jeg vokset op på Harboe, så jeg er også stor fan af den sukkerfri version. Alternativt så er de pepsi max kopier som lidl sælger også virkelig gode, de sælger dem desværre kun i 1½ liter versioner. Desværre bare ikke danske så vidt jeg ved. Og nå ja, da jeg var tween/starten af teenageårene tilbage i midt 90serne der var jeg også ret glad for Neptun’s colaer.
Nu kører jeg ikke ligefrem i den type busser med reklamer særlig tit, men jeg undrede mig altid over hvordan det kunne være lovligt at reklamere for gambling sites når nu Danske Spil har statsmonopol på det her i Danmark.
Jeg er glad for at se Movia har skiftet mening.
Since we’re counting to ten:
Classic tankies are the authoritarian leaning communists, that is communists willing to use (military) power to accomplish their goals and will voice those more aggressive sounding opinions.
Is that Big Bertha?
Sorry, you’re right, I didn’t read the info box correctly.
You’re right, same goes for anime as they mention in the article. I’m thinking one leads to the other, people might pick up the manga to catch up on the anime or maybe a manga reader will watch the anime version of their show.
And they target a starving audience if you ask me.
You need Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection on Steam for the game assets in order to play OpenRA.
It’s on sale currently. Hindsight is 20/20, but wish I had picked it up for €2 around new years…
Also, the appimage needs to be run as sudo, otherwise it crashes with a seg fault.
The weebs are winning because Hollywood is bankrupt for ideas. Heck, not just Hollywood, the west in general.
It’s for the same reason a lot of horror movies and tv series take place before the invention of the cellphone.
fan speed hysteresis
As a noob on these things, I had to rummage around to find those settings, and yes, they do indeed exist.
I greatly appreciate your comment, made me aware of what I could improve. I wouldn’t even have noticed those settings if I hadn’t looked up hysteresis, it’s not a word I think I’ve ever come across before heh.
Stakkels studerende der bare ville se statsministeren. Hvis jeg var ung studerende og havde hørt hende sige det der ville jeg nok have haft svært ved at sove den aften.
It’s a shame it’s dead here. Most happens on the discord as you also mentioned. Even the subreddit is kind of dead.
If I get tired of Nobara and go for an Arch distro I’ll probably go with CachyOS due to recent benchmark results favoring it, but endeavour also looks good. I’m just not sure I want to remove the training wheels just yet heh.
G’MIC-qt isn’t the best morphing tool, but the one I figured out how to use
You’re clearly passionate about linux and have some great observations, some I’ve shared myself, but I’m not certain the title is super constructive 😅.
I did walk away during installation and came back to my PC having gone to hibernation, I think the timer is set to 10 or 15 minutes or something, which is ridiculous for a live environment.
I don’t really recognize the other problems, but then again, I only switched to Nobara 41 this year because I knew the 570 drivers from Nvidia was finally good enough for VRR in Wayland. And I’ve been having a great time this last month.
Maybe earlier versions of Nobara just had teething problems? I’ve definitely noticed a few tweaks I had to make myself.
I wasn’t even aware it came from latin, but that makes perfect sense. But it’s weird how it was considered bad up until this late in history, but it wasn’t until 1938 that someone patented the smudge-free ballpoint pen. I imagine that smudging with your left hand as you wrote must’ve been very irritating and wasteful for hundreds of years, and thus it became a sadistic ritual to “right wrongs”.
Here in Denmark we called that type of schooling “sorte skole” (black school, an expression from the mid 1500s, where schools were run by religious institutions, so perhaps it’s a reference to their clothing?), and it didn’t matter if you understood the subject or not, you just had to memorize it and do things correctly, even writing with ones right hand.
I’m on linux, switched last year. But thanks for the recommendation!
I was playing around with things, noticed that at least my instance supported citation of sources. I normally do [](). But now I know that not every instance supports if you couldn't see it.