Right, I was intending to add a data point and continue the discussion. Didn’t mean to come off as confrontational, apologies if I did.
Right, I was intending to add a data point and continue the discussion. Didn’t mean to come off as confrontational, apologies if I did.
Mid-30s here. Three close friends who are trans, and a sibling who is trans. I am cis hetero, so it’s not about being surrounded by my peers. There’s a reason anecdotal evidence isn’t evidence and I suspect you and I are opposite ends of the scale showing why.
Bloodlip, by Matduke/Veela. I don’t listen to the lyrics of songs all that much so for me the emotions are driven by the melody. Something about the chorus in this one sends shivers down my spine.
Kinda true. You’ll want good defenses in place with bots set to repair before you head out, but there’s also nothing stopping you from shipping all of the components to build another rocket silo on the other planet as soon as you drop.
Mine 100% will be. I own the Z Fold 4 and it’s my favorite phone I’ve ever owned. Never had a use for a tablet due to the size, but having a phone that opens to a tablet has been amazing for streaming and reading.
I think that would require more circuit wizardry than I know how to apply, but the new selector combinator is probably where you want to start. You’ll want to try to set a request at the drop platform based on the contents of the space platform.
Constant combinator reading full belt, decider combinator sending an activation signal to an inserter with a filter determined by how much you want to keep. Inserter dumps off the side. It’s how my space platform is running right now.
Also a PC gamer and I’ve discovered as I’ve aged, CPU has been more of a bottleneck for me than GPU. Games like Factorio or Path of Exile need a powerful CPU, but their graphics are secondary at best.
Not positive for this specific case, but check %appdata%/Roaming/Factorio/saves
Holy crap. Never expected to see this paper online. I used to deliver for them in 1995-6 as a kid. Sorry, not directly related to your post, just caught me off guard.
Tower of God is my absolute favorite anime and comic right now. Can’t recommend it enough. Deeply interesting systems, amazing supporting cast, unique twists on old tropes.
And then you get to the Atlas passive tree and we’re straight into a Lord of the Rings second breakfast meme.
Sorry it took so long to get back to you on this. There are some folding phones that fold vertically. They’re for convenience and fold out to the same size as a normal candybar phone. The Z Fold folds out horizontally and doubles the screen size. Speakers are fine – not audiophile territory, but not bad at all.
I have the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3. I absolutely adore this phone. It’s thick, but I watch a lot of shows on my phone and having a tablet sized screen to watch them on without having to carry a separate device is amazing. They’re not for everyone, I think, but if the flaws in current foldable technology aren’t a problem for you and you have the right use cases, they’re great.
We’ve got the time dependent polar Schrödinger equation any time we want to pull out a ridiculous looking equation in pre-graduate level physics.
Keep thinking about checking this show out but I’d need to sub to do so. Is it worth it?
What a wild ride of a read that was. Reminds me a bit of when I first got to college. Glad things started going well for you.
I don’t want to enter the giveaway (my Steam backlog is big enough as it is) so I’ll say my nice things here instead. :)
Thanks for providing a safe and welcoming place for us Reddit refuges. Been here for I think almost a year now and it’s been so nice being a part of a smaller instance that still has so much activity. I’m not the most active user, but I try to engage more here than I did on Reddit to do my part in promoting community.
Thanks for everything you do!
I’d argue the two greatest barriers for the average, non-STEM individual adopting metric in America is the speed limits being in mph and the temperature being in °F. Both are convertible easily enough, but when you constantly have to do so to engage with critical infrastructure or safety (cooking temps, etc.) It provides a barrier against adoption for anyone without the drive to make a concerted effort to use metric.
Practical Engineering is a great channel. Some of his videos are longer, but most are well under 30 minutes and if you have even a passing interest in civil engineering there’s a wealth of information there.