SerLava [he/him]

  • 49 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • There are TWO and only TWO options.

    One is not explaining. Just say “I’m feeling sick and won’t be making it in” Most will not pry.

    If they’re the type of people to pry, just say “I can’t make it in, I think I caught a stomach bug”

    That’s it. There is no “mental health day”, you don’t have that chronic disease, you don’t have a bad headache, you aren’t staying home for your own comfort. You, my friend, are shidding out your doo doo ass. That is the only thing you will EVER imply to your work. Vomiting and farding and shidding. No one will ask. No one will try to get you to come in.

  • Just got a great job after applying maybe 500 times, and that was the first offer I got.

    I had a good resume but hardly any interviews for like 6 months. Then I realized some of the experience autofill things were fucking up, and if they fuck up, then the resume scanning system is probably not able to read that shit properly either.

    I changed my resume, it looks just a little worse, but it’s got no tables and no weird formatting. It looks decent in NOTEPAD now. This new resume got me like 6 interviews in a month, and I was applying a lot more slowly. I literally have an interview I still need to go turn down. My SO went through the same experience with the old and new resume. Look up ATS testers. Make the stupid robot understand

    The place I just got hired at was super, super excited to find me. Guess what? I applied to the same job on the old resume a couple months ago and THEY NEVER SAW IT BECAUSE IT GOT AUTO FILTERED. Literally these fucking things will do a half assed attempt at scanning the resume, try to collect information like employment gaps, fill a field like “Date of Employment” with the words “Attention to detail” and then conclude that you have NaN years of experience, and reject you.

  • I looked up the number of neurons in a human brain, and it’s around 100 billion, so the human brain is 10 million times more complex than one of these human brain organelles. We have records of people with way more than 1 1 millionth of a brain - like a 1000th of a brain - and they don’t do anything at all.

    I don’t think human neurons are particularly morally special, although in higher numbers, I imagine they’re probably pretty good at forming consciousness compared to something like 1000 ant brains worth of ant neurons crammed together. Which is why in 20 years they’re gonna start asking the researchers to let them die, or some shit.

    But it’s just so far off at this point, there’s no way it’s feeling more than a small ant feels, and a lab mouse is just so vastly and incalculably more sapient than this organelle

  • I was too excited with the freedom and ended up wasting time playing video games and skipping classes regularly because I had little energy to function as an adult

    I got to the point where I slept in through all my alarms so hard that I’d wake up at 7:00 PM, run down to a class building that never properly locked, and bought a slim jim and some chips from the vending machine inside because that was the only food I had access to. I’d run back and play modded Rome: Total War until I fell asleep in the early morning for another 12 hours