I didn’t find anything. But I also work 40 plus hours a week, so that doesn’t necessarily mean there’s not something out there. But it’s more likely the case that this might not be true, from what I know.
I didn’t find anything. But I also work 40 plus hours a week, so that doesn’t necessarily mean there’s not something out there. But it’s more likely the case that this might not be true, from what I know.
I feel like we’re at a point where we’ve got to recognize and acknowledge that a country whose government implements laws at the behest of multi-million dollar corporations, due to those corporations buying the politicians that lobby for them, and in which the only laws that get past are the ones desired by multi-million dollar corporations is no longer a capitalistic country, but an oligarchy.
We still say we’re capitalistic country, but the distinction is one in which a country by and large is governed by a small group of people/business Executives (oligarchy), from one in which there is a separation of power between the government and the corporations that do business in it (capitalist).
Our legal system is so heavily influenced by the whims of corporations as to be the former. When citizens are unable to have politicians implement laws that serve the interest of the working-class people, because corporations wield such influence over our lawmakers as to block working-class citizens from effecting change, and only having policies implemented that financially benefit corporations, then we are no longer a capitalistic society. We are an oligarchy plain and simple.
Make sure nobody gives them the idea that giving someone a lobotomy or ECT may be the equivalent of repossessing someone’s “knowledge”. The bastard politicians might actually do it!
All the people down voting this comments are the ones who u ironically NEEDED to go to college to learn critical thinking, interpersonal communication, how to debate, and how to prove/disprove rationally.
I stand corrected then. You can ignore all my bloviating.
Instagram and TikTok are already big social media giants in their own right.
If TikTok gets gobbled up, it’ll be because of the legal proceedings going on in which lawmakers are trying to force TikTok to allow itself to be bought up by some US company. Which is another issue altogether, cause if I start a business, the legality of the US government forcing me to sell my business to someone else, or even to be forced to sell my business to a foreign government or company and not be allowed to possess it, is a whole can of worms.
But outside of WhatsApp being shut down due to security reasons, the majority of those wouldn’t qualify as social media sites that would be gobbled up by some other social media giant.
When one person posts an extremely articulate comment with a well-defined argument about why they feel the way they do, and another person (YOU) replies to that with a comment in which the only thing they say is “Jesus you’re dumb”, I’m going to assume the dumbass is the one who was NOT articulate or detailed in any capacity (YOU).
Many smart TVs have firmware that interfere with your ability to switch sources using the remote for your cable service provider, or causes it to default to a specific source menu or app, or auto-switch between sources when it thinks it’s “detecting” them, even if you were actually using the other one.
And older people don’t know how to navigate the new user interfaces that come pre-installed on these smart TVs, especially if they have several connected devices on different ports. Have you had to walk a customer over the phone through using the Video Input button on their cable service remote, only to discover the TV software doesn’t allow 3rd party remotes to access the video input menu; because only the TV remote they lost is able to access that menu?
Or had to look up an article on a customer’s brand of smart TV, and walk them through disabling specific tv settings buried in their menu that prevent the TV from properly detecting and switching between sources, or having to mess with the TV closed captions, because they’re somehow interfering with the closed captions settings on their cable box.
I have. SmartTV software is occasionally a nightmare to negotiate with when trying to get it to work with a customer’s STB or their wifi, or what have you.
There is some merit to the classification, considering people in “2nd/3rd world countries” walk into grocery stores in the US and are so overwhelmed by all the abundant meat and produce and clothes that are freely accessible, that they have to go back outside to collect themselves. It’s not your ethnicity that determines if a country is a 1st/2nd/3rd world country. it’s how far their infrastructure has advanced, and their quality of living. Don’t like it, become a politician or businessman, do your darndest to be successful, and then make it your purpose in life to use your wealth/influence to advance infrastructural development in countries that don’t have the same quality of life as countries like Japan or the US.
One aspect of autism is lacking “mirror nodes” in our frontal cortex that allow neuro-typicals to possess self-awareness while speaking or carrying out a physical action, and thereby being aware of the emotional impact their behavior has on the people around them.
So, by your definition, I am superior to neuro-typicals by virtue of lacking equipment and firmware that neuro-typicals have, which assists them with interfacing with other members of their own species.
I watched the SoftWhiteUnderbelly interview of a guy with OCD who works as a clown, and used to serve in the Navy. His form of OCD wasn’t self-loathing intrusive thoughts but intrusive thoughts that stemmed from the anxiety or fear of something bad happening. Like, the fear that he was going to be dishonorably discharged or drown if there’s a storm, was perceived as a sort of bad mojo that he had to combat with drowning it out with positive thoughts, and by repeatedly carrying out certain mundane actions as ritualis to eliminate the bad mojo that his OCD thoughts manifested. And failure to do so meant that those bad things mentioned by his negative thoughts were actually going to happen. So, he would obsessively repeat certain words or phrases to himself, or repeat in a specific action until the thought went away.
In the interview he repeatedly mentions feeling self-conscious about how he must have looked crazy to other people in the Navy or in public, talking to himself repeatedly or being stuck in one of his rituals battling the intrusive thought that was overwhelming him, but the alternative was letting it actually drive him crazy.
And a part of his psyche believed if he didn’t engage in those coping rituals, than the things his intrusive thoughts said we’re going to happen, might actually happen. And so those two things were his only coping strategy for dealing with being overwhelmed by all the crippling anxiety and fear, from which his OCD was manifesting.
I’m still interested in Self-Hosting but I actually tried getting into self-hosting a year or so ago. I bought a s***** desktop computer from Walmart, and installed window server 2020 on it to try to practice on that.
Thought I could use it to put some bullet points on my resume, and maybe get into self hosting later with next cloud. I ended up not fully following through because I felt like I needed to first buy new editions of the server administration and network infrastructure textbooks I had learned from a decade prior, before I could continue with giving it an FQDN, setting it up as a primary DNS Server, or pointing it at one, and etc.
So it was only accessible on my LAN, because I was afraid of making it a remotely accessible server unless I knew I had good firewall rules, and had set up the primary DNS server correctly, and ultimately just never finished setting it up. The most ever accomplished was getting it working as a file server for personal storage, and creating local accounts with usernames and passwords for both myself and my mom, whom I was living with at the time. It could authenticate remote access through our local Wi-Fi, but I never got further.
It would make sense to be referred to a chiro for actual back pain, but yeah this just makes me wonder if a physician can financially benefit from recommending patients to other physicians (as long as the recommended physician manages to profit off of the patient).
YSK the original creators of the Honey extension are the ones who designed it that way from the getgo. The important thing is they are also the creators of the new Pie AdBlock extension that is being prolifically advertised on YouTube. And the Pie extension does the same damn things as the Honey extension, despite being an ad blocker.
So far, all I’ve found is a 2018 publication by the Police Executive Research Forum, entitled “The Changing Nature of Crime And Criminal Investigations”. It’s a 67 page document, and I’m curious to see if it discusses how their investigation tactics may have changed, and if so, whether the aforementioned tactic is mentioned as being included.
Another comment way down claims it’s standard operating procedure for social media sites to disable/hide and account of a highly publicized murderer, particularly during investigations. However, the provided no examples nor sources or technical documents that detail this as something that is genuinely done as a standard procedure.
I’m kinda gonna do my own research on that, but I feel the validity of Stack’s actions would to some degree depend on the results of researching that claim, and whether or not that is true.
It’s kinda difficult to research something like that though when most highly publicized murders predated social media in its current form, so it would be hard to have a lot of examples despite there being a decent number of people who fit the bill, ironically.
I’m starring this cause I want to look into this myself, and if I find any technical sources that address this claim and actually detail this as a SOP, I’ll reply with that source later, or otherwise reply with “I didn’t find anything.”
This is the equivalent of a bank robber standing in a vault, filling his bag full of jewels. One of the hostages yelling “You can’t do this, it’s illegal.” Some other guy yells “…and yet…” minutes before police sirens can be heard outside.
I look forward to Mangiine catching wind of this, which is basically theft, and adding it to the laundry list of things to be tried in court.
Our University is a cosmic machine that has been running for billions of years, and as an IT guy reboots a computer when it’s been running for too long and has problems, will inevitably implode on itself and tear itself apart, which is the equivalent of God turning it off and on again.