It’s cyberpunk for me and my kid. It’s a family favorite game for some reason.
It’s cyberpunk for me and my kid. It’s a family favorite game for some reason.
Aw shit, here we go again
We need a team of sign language translators, a professional choreographer, and a 5 gallon bucket of glow sticks.
Line the translators behind her, give them glow sticks, using the choreographer you them train each translator to make the correct hand signal at the right moment. Done right and the translators would be making a wave of sign language fast enough to keep up with the song.
Jokes on you guys, I started counting
Dude thanks for the tip, I’m struggling hard learning this stuff
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Oh great, now I have to ask my 9 year old sonic fan to put this into context. Kid beat the game on computer despite the crazy control setup.
I liked how the combat system evolved and became more immersive instead of a third person rts. The story was interesting, with your choices following you through the games. I did a renegade run and still ended up with paragon points. Also, don’t explore and find everything unless you are dedicated to 100percent run.
Super amazing? No. But fun and a good story with fun characters. Talking to them for side missions actually makes bonding with them worth the time and effort. If you have all three games you might as well play the series as intended 1-3.bur if you only have one or two, the game falls flat. They need each other to make sense, have fun, and become one giant decent game.
So i say again, have fun. If you are getting frustrated, back off, relax, play some BioShock, then you get back up and eat that horse. It’s more important to enjoy the game then it is to finish it within a set time.
I came here for Rock and Stone!
Wow you really were patient about this one
My buddy convinced me to play the trilogy for my first time like half a year ago now.
Have fun
Stargate sometimes had characters from Star Trek. O’Brian played major roles in both, and dr. Woosly was the emh from Star Trek Voyager.
As far as I know O’Brian had a wife in Star Trek. That’s all I got.
I’m that lonely guy. One friend, love him because he stuck around when my mental health was at its worst. Eventually I finally got a psychiatrist, my first one, who told me most of my toxic negative attitudes and behaviors were stemming from my mental illnesses. It took a couple years to get through therapy and monthly psychiatrist appointments but where I am now is… Well still pretty awful but at least I can give my best friend the space he needs, and function without the anxiety and panic attacks that were caused by overthinking every single message or lack of message. My medication regime is strict and full of pills, but hey, doing better then I was last year. I can’t forgive the people who left when my mental health got out of control but I do understand why they made their choices. It hurt and made my depression a lot worse. The only thing that kept me sane was my last friend. He stuck around and helped. Im still lonely and want more friends, but it’s a slow healing process. More friends might make the social anxiety worse, or it might help. Not really certain I wanna flip that coin. Taking small steps though.
Whelp that’s enough oversharing with complete strangers. Have fun everyone!
For some context I have insomnia. Stellaris isa game I’ve been able to fall asleep playing. Eventually it auto pauses but that’s fine. It’s a game I will always play because I find it peaceful and relaxing
Star wars mods make it really fun
Big oof
This is stupid, there will always be crime. These things should be happening simply because that’s actually TAKING CARE OF YOU’RE CITIZENS.