• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I agree, at this point he’s holding Tesla back.

    Their range of cars has become stale and outdated. His vanity project, the Cybertruck, is a disaster, the Model S and X aren’t selling and the Y isn’t getting a refresh anytime soon. Tesla can’t continue on just the Model 3 sales. They need to compete with the established manufacturers who are now getting their act together when it comes to EVs and also acknowledge that the Chinese EVs are viable alternatives.

    Tesla need a small SUV and small compact, it’s what people want.

  • It depends on how busy the roundabout is.

    If it’s really busy and there is a possibility of traffic backing up on either of the the two exits before the one you want to take then I’d be in the righthand lane on approach and move to the lefthand lane as soon as I’m past the second exit, getting in the lane marked A610 going under the bridge. This way you avoid possibly getting caught in slow moving traffic and adding to the back up.

    If the roundabout isn’t that busy then using the lefthand lane on approach would be fine and just staying in the lefthand lane all the way.

    Roundabouts need to be as free flowing as possible, so use whichever lane is going to keep the traffic moving best.

    I use a roundabout everyday that crosses a motorway and the traffic joining the motorway always backs up the slip road on to the roundabout at rush hour. Often people wanting to go “straight” over the roundabout get in the lefthand lane on approach and then get stuck in the backed up traffic which just adds to the congestion. I tend to approach in the righthand lane and move to the left once past the motorway exit. I’ve noticed that people tend to leave a gap for the traffic in the righthand lane to go through but will block the lefthand lane just in case someone sneaks in front of them!! LOL

  • Hi @[email protected]

    I must be doing something wrong here because unlike many others I can’t seem to get this working! Please can you offer some advice?

    I have amended the config.env file to change the HOSTNAME, SITE NAME and ADMIN USER but left everything else the same.

    I then ran ./deploy.sh and everything seems to have worked because it presented me with the admin login credentials and basic instructions to shutdown and start the instance. I tried simply typing the IP address of the docker container in to a browser but that didn’t work and TBH I didn’t expect it to. I then typed the URL into the browser and I’m getting a “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS” error message. I read through the trouble shooting on your Github but the only reference to too many redirects mentions a Cloudflare API token, I’m not using Cloudflare nut I am using nginx proxy manager to point my URL to the docker container.

    I hope some of this makes sense.