Next time an insurrection happens, just let it go. Let us see how much damage these lunatics can really do. Police, FBI have spent years gathering these psychopaths and for what? For all of them to be let go in one swift executive action? Psh, the politicians are on their own next time.
God, I wonder how many people got those and used them regularly who are now having issues because of them?
“When does it stop? When does it stop?!”
Evens the score.
I believe it has a use.
Like, AI can make up roleplaying assets and what graphics needed to be made to translate what objects are and everything. Stuff like that.
But using it for art contests, for bigger projects and all? It makes you look lazy.
For example, does Microsoft deserve my money for how much of a dumping they’ve taken onto Windows since Windows 8? No, they don’t.
Because if I did give Microsoft my money, I’m REWARDING them for their half-assery.
Being unceremoniously fired and homeless.
I’m over the politics of game launchers. Like, a free game is a free game, some devs/publishers probably get paid to get their game released for free. I’ve taken advantage of them, I wish I hadn’t deleted one of my Epic games accounts before where I nearly had gotten every game that I actually had wanted that was given away for free. But I was naive because I got caught up in the stupid pissing contest between Steam fanboys and Epic fanboys.
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter. Free is free. I would rather a free whole game, than a freemium game, which is all that Steam mostly offers.
All of trump supporters were single-voters who believed that Trump would solve all of their individual problems.
Some vote for him because they want the gays out.
Some vote for him because they want men empowered.
Some vote for him because they want immigrants deported.
Some vote for him because they just want job security.
And other things. They don’t realize or care to realize that, he and the party he represents, have no ambition to change things for the better.
He would want to die again if he saw what Reddit turned into.
Considering how badly Eisner ran the company in the 2000s to whoever is running it now. How the company treated his brother and so on. How Disney don’t really value hand-drawn animation to the point of firing all of them.
Okay, lol. I don’t think they’re there to help FB, Instagram or WhatsApp but to get on Zuck’s payroll. Whatever.