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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Star Wars has been chained to ‘The Heroes Journey’ from the first movie.

    And unfortunately the hidden parentage thing is part and parcel of that ‘chosen one’ destiny along with mentors or parents being killed.

    I’m actually surprised and impressed that Dr Who has managed to reject that given how may screenwriters have been programmed to think that it’s the only way to write a compelling story.

    I’d be very happy if the new Star Trek shows would drop their dependence on the scaffold of The Heroes Journey. Sometimes, seems that they think this is the only option. (e.g. Hemmer had to die so Uhura could develop - Seriously?!!).

    Although, it does seem that Dal in Prodigy has been allowed to be his own unique genetically-engineered, parentless self. Just another way in which Prodigy has been a stand out show for this era.

  • Experienced it.

    The curse is likely based on the item being too much pressure on a relationship that’s not ready for it.

    If you’re a really experienced and fast knitter that’s regularly knocking of sweaters for yourself and perhaps have done small ones as gifts for friends kids, it wouldn’t be the same.

    But if you’re looking for love to motivate you through your first big project, it’s a disaster waiting to happen. All the more so if you’re toting your project with you and knitting in public.

  • Some interesting stuff in this article.

    It looks like Skydance thought that getting the non-voting class B Paramount shareholders on board would put pressure on the voting ones.

    But it seems like Redstone was sensitive to the minority group of voting shareholders and that they were not on side. That is, it wasn’t enough to have the Redstones as the majority holders of class A NAI shares, and the majority of non-voting class B Paramount shareholders, Shari Redstone felt she had to have sufficient support from the minority of voting NAI shareholders to avoid problems such as accusations of imposing losses on a group.

    “According to a source familiar with the talks, Redstone’s request for a “majority of the minority” vote, in which other Class A shareholders could vote to approve or nix the deal, was a nonstarter for Skydance, and the studio was anticipating a regulatory review of more than a year, which gave Redstone pause given the constraints it would have required of the business in the meantime.”