No they didn’t, and that’s very sad and entirely the fault of their negligent parents
No they didn’t, and that’s very sad and entirely the fault of their negligent parents
Is it bad that I’m not torn up about a “close knit, unvaccinated” community catching diseases? As long as they stay over there they can die together and leave the rest of us alone.
It’s all comes down to money and assets. The way it works in the US is, broadly, they get half of your shit unless you signed a prenup.
This is ironically a callback to old school patriarchal structures where a woman divorcing her husband often did not have any marketable skill sets because they were housewives. The courts saw fit to have the husband continue providing for them until they are self supporting- conceptually.
Less than helpful advice probably, but the only way to truly be independent it to wean yourself off of the chemical dependency
This is an L comment and deserves the downvotes.
What’s funny about that is Reddit is mostly just an advertising front for onlyfans at this point
Bazzite was a 15 minute experience for me, from first boot to playing X4 foundations and sea of thieves.
Take the leap.
Honestly I migrated to bazzite about a month ago and my entire library has just… worked. It was shockingly easy. I haven’t changed anything from defaults at all.
The cognitive dissonance of just how fast technology has advanced is pretty crazy huh
I never know wether to upvote or downvote this comment
2a:you must actually answer the question
The problem is even accounting for exchange rate, you get what you pay for.
Believable video is exponentially more complex than a still image
I’m not sure what you’re talking about? Tasty looking sandwich though.
Yes, the bigger picture is that Harris was a bad candidate for a litany of reasons.
The sad truth is that turning on Israel would have done more damage to the democrats electorally than it would’ve helped. Not saying it’s good, just sayings it’s true, and waving Gaza around as “the reason” Harris lost is kind of disingenuous and misses the bigger picture
Yes it would. That’s why they’re having people fill out strike cards and waiting until they actually have that organization before they set a date
This will be too short notice and too expensive for many to attend. Generalstrikeus.com has the right idea
I think this one is too short noticed for most people
Quarantine the county, let it run its course