TheLegendaryCarrot23 [he/him]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Just want to say I am overwhelmed with all the generous people who have donated, it means so much to Balaha an her family. I’m going to repost once in /c/Mutualaid, after that I will just let the post ride you all have been so great! And thank you for the bumps too!

    Remember if you can’t donate (which is of course very understandable) then please please send to friends and family an repost on social media ! That also helps immensely.

    I will of course repost a thank you message from Balaha an her family here once the funds are donated after I feel like the GoFundMe has reached its maximum potential, which will be July 1st at the latest but will certainly be sent much sooner then that, even if we cant get enough for Her an her family Members to cross through rafah (which seems to be 7,000 dollar’s at the vert least - damn those shamless smugglers an the Egyptian Junta! -) the money still helps immensely for what comes after the war as well as buying food stuffs if worse comes to worse.

    Thank you all again so much :,). I’m going to remake a Twitter account later today an be dm’ing semi big accounts on Twitter to share, it’s a long shot but I think it’s worth going for it! If you have a Twitter account (especially if it has a following of any kind) please feel free to do the same! <3