UrsineApathy [undecided, any]

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 18th, 2024


  • There really isn’t any native power structures exhibited between pawns. Aside from the obnoxious, slutty, sexually aggressive man behavior(which you’re right is stupid and a problem for a lot of reasons) and default marriage names going in favor of the man, gender doesn’t actually mean much. The tribal monocultures of each village honestly affects more than any individual pawns traits does.

    You make good points regarding the use of unsupported statistics to push a specific LGBT+ worldview, but some of this criticism is a bit unfair because the player ultimately has full agency of it. If you want a matriarchal tribe of Amazonian goddesses that subjugate all men, you can absolutely do that as a player without any alterations or mods to the game. You would need to use the slavery mechanics which is a whole different can of worms to discuss though.

  • and of course the loans at the subsidized rate are not enough to cover costs at an in-state school, so you also have to take out “unsubsidized” loans from the federal government, which are like double the interest rate of the subsidized loans.

    Thank you for saying this because people always conveniently forget this part. I went to a “budget” state school and subsidized loans only covered maybe half of any given semesters tuition and nothing else. If you needed to make rent, eat food or pay for the rest of tuition you needed to find money elsewhere. I worked full-time through school and still barely was able to to survive and had to take additional loans.