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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • But if they have more customers then they have to spend more resources making more product. So 1 customer at 1000x the price is more valuable than 1000 customers at the a lower price. If it costs 28 dollars to make a year’s worth of doses like this screenshot claims, then they’d make $42,222 charging a single customer the current price, while they’d only make $12,000 charging 1,000 customers the proposed price.

    So for the company to make more money than they are now, they’d need 3,519 new customers for every one current customer. Since Google says there are 1.2 million people with HIV in the United States, if they have more than 342 current customers in the united states, they are making more now than they could ever make at the proposed price. Therefore the amount of new customers is almost certainly not worth it to them.

    Money seems to ruin pretty much everything about healthcare.

  • Those handles look like a pretty good idea, but I don’t quite think they’d solve the need for a hard monitor. Since I’ll still end up getting the screen dirty and needing to clean it frequently like I have been lately. Though, knowing that any monitor I get will have to meet the mounting requirements set forth by the arms further limits my choices, meaning, I might just have to do without, especially since no one even seems to know of any hard monitors that exist anyway.

    Thanks for the suggestions though!

  • Just do it, once your city has enough money if the bank, or your income is large enough, double down on making a highway. Demolish some buildings and tear your city in half, just like in real life. Most of the time if you have enough traffic that you need a highway in the town, you could probably avoid it in game, by enhancing the public transit options, however, that wouldn’t be realistic as to how cities are really run, so doing a highway every now and again is a fun change of pace.

    The best way to get good at making a highway, is to make a highway, you can do it, set it up however you want, and see how it works. If something doesn’t work right, change it and find out how to make it work for you. Or if it is broken, it may be more fun to leave it broken. Stuff like that happens in real cities all the time.

    Make sure you adjust your public transit options when you’re done splitting your city in half with your highway, since your bus routes will be interrupted.

  • Michelle Obama would have lost for sure. Remember, she’s the one who all the kiddos were blaming for having their school lunches ruined forever. And whenever kids ask why their school lunches suck today, they still get the response, “It was Michelle Obama’s fault”.

    Obama was elected sixteen years ago, so anyone who was in school at all at that time can vote now, so we have nearly 20 years of voters who will hate this person for ruining their lunches when they were children. It would never work out and would have been a really poor choice to run her, since Dems typically require the younger vote.

  • I mean, the primary benefit of fast food is that you can swing by and get a prepared meal on your lunch break. You can’t really do that at a sit down place unless you order in advance. They lost the ‘fast’ part too, since they don’t want to pay the amount of people it takes to run their stores though. Now the only benefit they have going for them is their hours, and they’re slipping there for the most part, since most places are still running on reduced hours because COVID gave them the excuse to never bring their old hours back.

  • I will never forgive Jersey Mike’s.

    A few years back they stole some much more valuable fast food places from me, and replaced it with Great Value Subway. I was pretty upset, because I could just go to get Subway down the road, since there are like 2 billion Subways, and then Mr. Mike rolls up and is like “Let’s make 2 billion more Subways.” I don’t really want one Subway, so in what world would I ever want two? Give me an A&W or a Long John Silvers or something. Or maybe an A&W/Long John Silvers.

  • There were a few games that worked on the OG gameboy, but were GameBoy color games, the ones that come to mind first are Pokemon Gold and Silver. You could play them on the og gameboy, without color and missing some hardware features, or you could play them on the Gameboy Color as they had intended you do. It was a really nice addition.

    I always thought of the GBC as its own generation, since the games were mostly incompatible, just as I thought of the GBA as its own generation for the same reason, but really, it’s almost just arbitrary.

  • There was a bump out, but I don’t think it physically stopped you from putting the cartridge into the console, I don’t have a GameBoy on me to check right now though. You’re right about the missing notch though, but that would only stop you from starting it on the original Gameboy and not the Gameboy Pocket or Super Gameboy. I know for sure I saw the Pokemon Crystal error screen when I tried to play it on the wrong device after being able to play Pokemon Gold on the older hardware.

    Maybe I’m the one misremembering?