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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Twisting words so hard I think the man is trying to verbally make a twizzler appear in thin air.

    Long as it isn’t a bowl of penunias, I suppose. Though I’m not against a whale appearing above his head.

    POINT IS, the GOP is trying to say that Biden using his authority as President, and loopholes almost certainly carved by past Republicans, to bypass evil restrictions (See: Senate v. Student Loan Debt), to help others is actually the same as Trump. He’s flipping the narrative and normalizing Executive power.

    What a little shit.

  • Xanis@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldAutomation
    7 hours ago

    I do that shit when I have a web interview. Put up a guitar just visible in the camera, a small bookshelf, a floor lamp, make sure my tennis bag is visible despite not playing in ages…

    Whether they realize it or not, people do take this stuff in. Not sure why some algorithm based on these very same interviews wouldn’t do the same.

  • I…what? Hold on, it was commonly thought that black holes effectively compress and hold infinite mass. Then math or simulations (or both) pointed out this isn’t true, I think. Running on very dim memories here. IF this is true, then somehow the solar mass of the star is, uh…well fuck me. The ADHD train came in and I lost what I was thinking.

    Any chance you have a compelling link on this topic?

  • Varies on where I’m at. One thing I can do no matter where I happen to be is allow my body to lose its tension. This is a learned skill. Focus your mind on preferably a major muscle to start, and just will it to begin relaxing. I like imagining I’m becoming more liquid and that the stress I’m holding is draining away. It’s a lighter, though similar, feeling you get when your body is just exhausted and you lay down.

    This is a part of a series of coping mechanisms I’ll choose from when my anxiety begins to peak.

  • Pretty typical in my experience. If you want them to reply you often need to leave some crack in your reasoning that their cultish little minds can latch onto and run with to the absolute disregard of literally everything else.

    Spit straight facts? Normally the only reply you’ll get is one made to get under your skin, if they make any attempt at all.

    GOP play book rule number whatever: Make your opponents spend the time and energy necessary to dispute you. Then ignore that and attack their character.

  • I just fired up Donkey Kong Country recently after lowkey bragging about how I knew all the secrets, despite playing it last years ago. Partner was like, “Aight. Show.”


    And to my surprise I still remember where everything is and breezed past all except one level so far.

    And you all know which fucking level that was.

  • 10k will get you over that hurdle in most cases unless it barely sneaks you over the benefits line. If you shoot past it though, go for it. Thresholds though, I know. Just don’t want anyone not taking a raise due to a misread comment.

    As a rule though: Stay updated on the max total assets you are allowed before benefits begin decreasing, and make sure you know what is weighted.

  • We could vote for someone else. We just have to do three very important things:

    1. Stop bickering amongst ourselves.
    2. Come together under a single unified stratagem even if we don’t all agree 100% on it. This can be substituted for coming under a unified banner.
    3. Continue pushing after the election has ended instead of the usual “Oop, election done. All good.” and then panic four years later.

    ALL OF THESE, each individual step, are massive steps to expect and to take. Yet they are what would fix things. The biggest hurdle, in my opinion, is finding leaders people can rally behind. Because make no mistake: Anyone leading this would be in significant danger, and I think most people know that.

  • puts on tinfoil hat

    Jessica Fletcher actually causes you to question your entire identity several weeks before suddenly hopping on a train and attending a book signing event she set up without her publicist knowing. Then when she arrives she bumps into one of your friends nowhere near the signing event, manipulates the conversation into talking about you, figures out where you work, shows up and claims that she was just passing by. After a couple days of back and forths while she tells everyone within earshot it was such a coincidence she was there at that time she, quite literally the night before her departure, tells you your life story and convinces you on the spot that you are indeed trans.