YEP [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2022


  • I want the Dems to at the bare minimum not lay out the red carpet for even greater fascistic elements in the US, my friends, family, and most of the people I care about are here. I don’t think that is a bad thing to want or advocate for. I don’t think most of his audience are fans of the democrats. As for the squad I think its really telling how all of the left Indy media (hasan, chapo, war nerd ect.) had Ryan grim on to talk about his new book on the squad. The book did not paint many of the squad members in a good light. The most wrong take hasans on foreign policy is on xinjiang , but he tempers it by dunk on zenz and the most outrageous claims usually. He is in the right on Taiwan, Cuba, Iran, Palestine. My gut reaction is usually if someone gets called a Tankie by libs they are prob closer to right than wrong.

    Then again when the competition in streaming is genocidaires like destiny or cia pedos like vaush he seems really reasonable. agony-immense

    I am gonna put myself in posting jail for knowing about streaming drama. Real 🤡 moment for me.