YearOfTheCommieDesktop [they/them]

  • 38 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I read that comment when you posted it! Doing my best to learn I guess, even before I accepted this might be a thing lol

    I have no idea if stimulants will work well for me. I’ve definitely used caffeine to self medicate most of my adult life so maybe? But either way I know it won’t be a magic bullet, just one thing to try if a doc recommends it I guess. I honestly don’t know what not being able to mask would look like for me, but I work from home on a computer and have very accepting friends so hopefully the adjustment wouldn’t be too rough? I try not to downplay (or play up) my own struggles but all things considered I’ve lived a pretty chill life I feel like. Lots of self-repression and some serious struggles socially at times but you know, not outright horribly traumatic? So maybe that helps idk.

    Thanks for your prolific support and advice all over the site! I just got new insurance so I’ll have to see what it will cost to see someone this summer. I hate to say it but I want to see if I can get the ball rolling on this diagnosis stuff without telling them I’m trans… (is that a horrible idea?) Let’s just say I don’t want to be on that list given the way the US is going lately… My gender is none of their business and even barring government action, telling your doctor you’re trans unfortunately seems like an excellent way to get subpar medical care. Or maybe I’m needlessly paranoid but I’d rather be paranoid and wrong than the target of fascist repression or plain ol discrimination.

  • I still struggle with burnout to this day due to being an overworked IT contractor for years.

    hahahahaha ha… ha… fuck

    This video finally convinced me I probably have A(u)DHD. I already thought I was on the spectrum probably but didn’t feel any need to go to a psychiatrist for it (I don’t… like or trust them? not for any great reason necessarily I just have an aversion) but if there’s any chance ADHD meds help me I probably owe it to myself to go

    I don’t know why this is what did it. probably the fact that the 2 month procrastination jobby is basically what I’m doing with a key part of my day job right now. Ruined my whole weekend and the mental block is still there.

  • yeah that’s definitely the toughest part… the collet needs to come out the front of the pencil, it can’t fit out the back. It is barbed (visible in this pic if you zoom way in) so it digs into the plastic pretty damn well, but it can be pulled straight out.

    I basically just used brute force. it should be pretty safe to pull straight outwards on the collet by the ring part (the part that moves freely) since that way there’s no bending, its all metal on metal, in tension, and the thin members of the collet are pulled snugly together and stressed evenly. you can use a small pliers but you don’t want to squeeze too much. either grab the ring head-on and squeeze enough to get a grip, or use a sufficiently tiny pliers to grab from the side between the spring and the collet ring, not squeezing basically at all and just hooking the jaws of the pliers under the ring and pulling out. Some wiggling/wobbling the collet (while still pulling outwards so nothing bends) as you go could help but will probably make the fit looser when you go to put it back in so don’t go overboard.

    I don’t think there’s a great way to push it out from the rear either, since behind it there’s a narrowing of the hole in the plastic to about the same size as the one on the back of the collet. Maybe if you had just the perfect 1.5mm rod or something but it would probably just buckle.

  • yeah… I drove cheap worthless cars and have a clean driving record and insurance was still like $700/yr for liability only. In some states you can sorta get away with not having insurance for a little while but its a mess if you get caught. plus idk, $100 registration? cheapest to operate was probably just oil changes and gas but eventually other maintenance will always be needed (tires brakes bulbs, other fluids).

    No car is ever cheap really, theres a reason the average cost of ownership is like $6k a year min

  • for how long? more than likely you won’t get yourself killed, but its not zero risk either, you should really get them done (or diy) soon, say in the next 2 weeks, maybe a month if you really don’t drive much at all. I know one person who drove all the way until his were grinding metal on metal, he lived just fine but it was risky and probably cost him more to fix because of it (though idk, replacing rotors seems to be really common these days, they’re almost treated as normal wear I feel like, but if they’re in good shape and you’re DIYing it you can reuse them)