Divide and rule perfectly articulated.
Divide and rule perfectly articulated.
lol I was thinking of England. Admittedly it was a while back, but they all count.
I’m not really sure what your point is. I assume you are saying the US can have a thriving economy and not be the global reserve currency? If so, a couple of points:
The US’s debts will come due as it loses global reserve currency status. Do you think it can pay those debts?
US and other capitalists outsourced production to China due to the lack of collectively bargained labour agreements and environmental protections. It was cheap. Are you saying the US could ‘Make America Great Again’ by making it a sweatshop!? Because I don’t think that is what Trump voters had in mind for themselves.
De-dollarisation is the dismantling of the dollar’s role as global reserve currency, which is intimately tied to the petrodollar arrangement, which caused the world to buy oil in dollars for the last fifty years.
I welcome any corrections/clarifications, but off the top of my head, the petrodollar arrangement was an agreement that Richard Nixon’s government made with the Saudis in the early seventies where the Saudis agreed to only sell oil in US dollars in return for military support. The agreement was a fifty year deal.
In order for countries to buy oil they needed dollars. This was and currently still is via the selling of US government bonds, which has allowed the US to fund its deficits by printing more and more US dollars. Ultimately the world has paid for that US spending. This ends with the end of the US dollar as global reserve currency.
Trump is showing in real time that the US cannot now be relied upon to provide security, so that half of the petrodollar arrangement is dead and gone. Would you fund the enemy’s military spending? Plenty have. And when you wanted to try and sell oil in a currency other than dollars you got a whole lot of freedom!
This de-dollarisation very much suits the likes of Russia (for historical reasons) and China (for sound economic reasons) who do not want a world dominated by the US.
Trump is playing into the likes of Putin’s hands fantastically. Not only is Putin getting what he wants from Trump in Ukraine, Trump is also voluntarily dismantling America’s position as global leader. I don’t know if he is a Russian asset, or if he is just so stupid, or believes the US should be an explicit oligarchy.
Buckle up, the future is not looking good for the US. Countries that have relied on the US are facing a period of serious instability.
Pay and privacy wall
Yeah because the Danes never conquered and enslaved anybody lol.
So much of what is publicly known about the UK’s intelligence capability (presumably military too) is tied up with the US. Based on this alone I’d bet that we (as in the UK) are simply not in any position to turn around and defy the US.
Remaining trapped in this position moving forwards is another matter. Europe has no choice but to develop capabilities that do not rely on the US. Only an idiot would think this is good for the US.
I don’t think the UK putting boots on the ground to police a peace deal agreed upon by Russia and the US is what you meant?
The process of global de-dollarisation,much talked about, is being hastened far sooner than I think most people (at least those not privvy to whatever intelligence existed on Trump and others’ motivations and intentions) expected.
The question as to whether the country with the largest military in the world can accept a much-reduced international role (and much reduced share of unearned global wealth to go with it), without kicking off a kinetic world war three will likely be answered shortly.
Trump and Musk appear wide open to exploitation/manipulation, without anywhere near the required experience or intelligence to maintain the US’s international position.
Unstable times ahead.
You have no idea whether the people pushing for encryption backdoors are corrupt or not.
Seeking to spy on everybody’s private communications could be described as corrupt by default. It could also be called a whole host of things including creepy, fascist, totalitarian.
Here are the four points the bbc is reporting, which are completely different to yours. https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cn5220x56pqt
To keep military aid flowing into Ukraine while the war is ongoing, and increase economic pressure on Russia
Any lasting peace must ensure Ukraine’s sovereignty and security, and Ukraine must be at the table for any peace talks
In the event of a peace deal, European leaders will aim to deter any future invasion by Russia into Ukraine
There would be a “coalition of the willing” to defend Ukraine and guarantee peace in the country