• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • That explains why it was never fixed, the admin running the server seems to have disappeared a week or two before i joined the instance and I haven’t seen hide nor hair of them, I even sent them a PM about that issue, but never heard anything back. Considering Fedia still has some issues and even testing the waters recently I’ve been logged out by the “invalid csrf token” problem, I think I’ll just try a different instance again, kbin.run is seeming all right, relatively small, but the owner has been recently active and is updating the instance, even directly posting about the avatar upload bug.

    It’s surprising, actually, just how few truly active kbin instances there are, and I love the hell out of Jerry, but I think he’s got too much on his plate to properly fix up Fedia at the moment, at least, not until kbin is less buggy and he has the time to spare from his many other projects, I hate to step away from Fedia, but since I quit reddit cold turkey and don’t use any other social media whatsoever I’m really relying on a baseline level of usability for all features.

  • Just curious, are you still getting 500s? I left Fedia temporarily because the 500s just got unusably bad, but I’ve noticed I can view my profile and subscriptions without issues now, and the instance I moved to seems like their owner disappeared off the face of the earth, so I’m considering returning, but don’t want to run into 500s anymore.

  • I think there’s a strong possibility you’re correct, especially with that genre. When it comes to purely competitive games continual new content and adjustments keep the masses coming back, and providing those things long term with no monetization is a business suicidal idea, and I think that strong reasoning like that excuses a lot of the cynicism and bad faith behind MTX in those specific cases provided its still relatively fair.

    I give you an A+ for an actual strong argument for MTX (in those and related cases)

  • It’s more of a “are good games with microtransactions good regardless of MTX or in spite of them?”

    You can totally have a good game with MTX, but I think it always lowers the quality in some way, and they’re only good in spite. I don’t think OP is suggesting that no MTX guarantees a good game, but that a game should stand on its own merits and sell its whole experience instead of chopping itself up piecemeal

  • You go up to the magnifying glass icon on the instance that you want to subscribe on (not the instance that the magazine or community actually belongs to), then that’s where you’d search [email protected]

    It should appear and you should be able to follow it. If you are the first person to look up that magazine on your instance it may say that there are zero posts and that the owner of the magazine is your instance’s admin, but as long as the name and the magazine/community icon looks like you’re expecting you can follow it and it’ll start federating in new posts over time.

  • Nothing about Lemmy would suggest people would like Epic anymore than any other place on the internet. Their exclusivity deals have the potential to upset anybody regardless of what website they post on, so while there’s absolutely a degree of hivemind hatred, it’s rooted in understandable reasons.

    That being said, it’s disingenuous of that person to imply that Epic never gives any good reasons to use the platform, the biggest being the waves of free games they put on “sale” from time to time, though you could go down another rabbit hole of whether thats really something that would make gamers want to use the platform, or if it’s just a nice bonus people pop in to claim while still spending their money on Steam when it comes to actual purchases.

  • You can include all of the Ace Attorney games in the DS visual novel category, and I can thank them for gatewaying me into visual novels in general. Also throwing in 999 since it wasn’t mentioned yet and is great.

    I far prefer visual novels to real books. Visual novels allow for more “showing not telling” of an environment and a character’s mood, allowing you to sort of “skip” all the stage setting description of an environment, though a developer can totally insert more description if they like, so it lets them control the pacing more tightly.

    The controlled “dialogue box by dialogue box” progression of a traditional visual novel also allows for tight control of the reveal of information. I’m sure many people can relate to reading a book, and accidentally reading a section far ahead they didn’t intend to while flipping to an incorrect page. This box by box approach allows interesting games like Doki Doki Literature Club to reveal information deliberately and immediately for maximum impact, where a book may reveal a twist if the reader happens to glance further down the page.

    I also find having character art/voice acting helps me to remember and separate different characters more easily than just using my own memory and imagination, half a benefit, half a symptom of my smooth brain.

    Unless character skin, hair, eye colors etc. are specifically described in a book they tend to just become a homogenized blob of generic person in my head, and I’ve read books where I formed a mental image of a character, only for a line to be dropped later that causes me to have to change what they looked like in my head. The weight of the imagination on the experience of books can in that way be a blessing and a curse.

    There are also lots of visual novels with exceptional soundtracks that heavily aid the atmosphere and emotion in a game, such as Ace Attorney, or Danganronpa. This introduction of other media to the format can also be taken further towards games like the ever cult popular Persona series in which RPG turn based gameplay is fused with time management, choice, and heavy visual novel elements, to varying effect. Though the soundtracks are always bangin’.

    As much as visual novels can aid the experience, they can also let it down in more ways than books. A book really just needs to deliver on its premise, and a writing style and story that the reader enjoys. A visual novel must satisfy in story, writing style, music, gameplay (if any), visual style, voice acting (if any), etc.

    And, due to their higher degree of complexity, visual novels are often more expensive than books to boot.