Pretty sure that we can’t breed with chimps and generate a fertile offspring due the mismatch on the number of chromosomes.
Pretty sure that we can’t breed with chimps and generate a fertile offspring due the mismatch on the number of chromosomes.
Not anymore. We assimilated the neanderthals a long time ago.
Other close relative species don’t exist anymore.
A way to address that is to require that if the company does not provide software updates, it must release the source code and tooling to it’s customers under cc-0 license. For games that depends on server-side services to work, that should be provided as well.
But under capitalism, that will be an uphill battle.
It will not solve the problem, for sure, but I can’t disagree that it could have some effect xD.
The best news for me is that they keep working with the RED engine, so hopefully they will use it in future projects. It’s look and feel are too good and to different from UE5 to be abandoned.
Johnny Cash’s version of “Hurt”
Other way to answer that is to acknowledge that you have as a premise that those models are somewhat self aware. Can you explain why you believe that?
I know a lot o vegans, they are all chill. On their daily life, to be vegan is a a non-issue, for themselves and others.
On social events we generally have some extra options to accommodate them, and that’s it.
So, for yourself, you probably need to do some planning ahead to be sure that the place where you are going will have options, or, if the event will be on someone’s house, check with the host if they will offer (or if you can bring) something suitable for you.
If you are not trying to force other people to live your lifestyle, guilt-trip them or show yourself as moral superior to others, them you already are a “good vegan”.
And, if you want to invite people to be like you, do it by offering/showing tasty animal-free food to your guests as an option.
To be ethical, the humans involved need to be payed the same as before for the same amount of the work delivered. But I agree, the model of use seems to be good.
C:S2 is a resource hog, even on Windows. The game still needs a lot of optimizations.
Is bcachefs that good as the dev is saying to justify their bad behavior?
You could watch all day today? Or are you thinking it as when you were a child with a healthier body and knew no limits?
Don’t tell that out loud, they may decide to block features of we don’t connect it.
Learn new languages. Learn to code.
May not solve your problem, but will help.
Also, read books.
Fair, but that’s not a console problem, they shipped the game in a bad state. (Or, at least, that’s my experience)
Breed with, out-competed, killed… All options on the table, the important thing is to get busy.