ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]

Decaying corpse animated by gay thoughts and too many painkillers

Highly obnoxious, very autistic, weirdly asexual, ask me about my weird interests

I talk way, way too fucking much.

  • 65 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2023


  • Maybe, Idk. Depends on what you qualify as trauma or abuse, I wouldn’t say so myself.

    More often what happens is people see something I have said, decided I am malicious and take the absolute least charitable read humanly possible, deciding that’s what I said and I am a wrecker. Better than 50% chance they have decided I am evil when I’m having a horrific anxiety attack mental breakdown. Double bonus points if they decided that I am a transphobe, or ableist, for something I have said about my experience of being autistic ir trans.

    When I got banned from that one server, I absolutely knew I was gonna, that’s whatever. More often than not it’s “That sounds hostile” “I am not being hostile” “You are being hostile and a wrecker and a criminal and an agent provocateur and I hate you forever begone from my sight” which is epic.