autismdragon [he/him, comrade/them]

A real autism! He/him bisexual man that might be a demiboy but probably not. I like media. Extraordinarily DILF.

  • 382 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 8th, 2020


  • Idk I have reservations about this attitude because I have close friends on discord who are definitly not Blue MAGA. They’re like, soft baby leftists who think a revolution would be good but are also trans people in red states who are scared as hell of certain things. They seem to genuinely believe that Biden is better on all or most things, pretty much everything except immigration which they will admit he’s been worse, and consider voting for him and other Democrats to be a matter of simple self preservation. I try telling them our talking points on here but most of them bounce off. But they are like, sincerly well meaning, not trying to manipulate things. They just want to live lol. I take a more empathetic stance I guess because of my experiences there.

    In particular I’ve found that our points about Roe being lost under Biden and the ratcheting up of anti-trans legislation happening under Biden are total flops with them. Not because they don’t care about those things, the second thing is the main reason they’re scared, they just absolutely cannot see why we blame him for that. They’re caught in certain mindsets and just… cannot seem to break out. Not in the way I’ve communicated it anyway.

    And these are fairly intelligent people as well. One of them is the person I’ve had the best talks with about her Jewish identity vs Zionism and she is actually like, radically anti-Zionist. But the one thing that she seems stuck on despite her growing radicalization everywhere else.

    The other reason I am a bit more empathetic is like, basically up until the Gaza genocide started in earnest I was sorta still in their mindset? I wasnt going to vote for Biden only because I don’t live in a swing state. Gaza made me reconsider some things, particularly my stance on lesser evil voting.

  • Like yaknow what? I was totally fine with them saying that the ONLY qualification, as the rules are supposed to be, is trans ally or transphobic. I read their rules thoroughly and thats supposed to be it. So I was fine with the fact that I have to deal with liberals who (inefectivly obviously) are “pro-trans”. I was fine with seeing Charlotte Clymer shining green. And I didn’t mark her otherwise because I was actually following the rules.

    But if Shaun’s losing his green its clear the liberals who use it are not. Because theres no way he can be marked neutral in good faith. Either the moderators are proactivly liberal or they made an algo that is open to manipulation by them.

  • You won’t have seen this if you wisely stay off Twitter, but like

    I’ve said before that questioning people’s stated sexuality and calling people fake queers is a bad road to go down, and that bad people can be queer, but I do admit the way V**sh has started being more outwardly queer-acting ever since his controversy is… offputting.

    Like my hesitation around “fake queer” discourse comes from the fact that I realized I was bi shortly after being called on my bullshit (and changing) like a decade ago and like noone ever CALLED me that but it does make me THINK about that.

    But like regardless of whether he’s actually into men or not there’s something really offputting about like pivoting to being more queer acting immediately after being called out for some shit even if he ID’d that way beforehand.

    And like yeah he’s started like, openly associaitng with other queer people more, talking about queer issues more, and most noteably dressing in queer-seeming ways and taking selfies thereof. Its just. Like. its offputting man. I dont have as much animosity in my heart towards him as most of you but it just makes me uncomfortable lol.