@[email protected] Heh, I was two years old in 1964 when we had an extended business trip in the Bay Area and lived there, so that this was my last encounter with the Golden Gate Bridge.
And I used to commute over the bridge in Minneapolis. It collapsed, it turned out, because it was built with some gusset plates of metal that was too thin.
It seems worth remembering that part of the Bay Bridge collapsed in the 1989 earthquake. That whole side of the bridge has been replaced now, though.
@[email protected] When I was a teen I was in the old Princeton University hangar when that big slab of concrete shook real good. Someone asked “What was that?” and I speculated an earthquake. Though I was from nearby Kendall Park, where one could often feel blasts from the Trap Rock quarry. (There are enormous deposits of diabase in northern and central New Jersey.)
I once slept through a good shake in Ottawa, Ontario. I guess the epicenter was in the Gatineau Hills.