cosecantphi [he/him]

  • 47 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • It’s unlikely Kamala Harris will ever be elected president, she’s not electable as shown by her primary performance where she dropped out after polls showed her losing to Andrew Yang (holy shit that must’ve stung) in her home state where she was the sitting senator.

    But at the same time I don’t think Biden has another four years left, and Trump has plenty of time left to fuck up his own campaign. So in the end, this woman is probably gonna be the president at some point if Biden eeks out a win

  • People have been voting in US elections for several decades at least, but things just seem to keep getting worse. I think it’s clear by now that whatever solves the problem of the United States being a shitty country, it ain’t gonna be voting. Like, at this point anyone trying to tell me that voting for president in this election is a thing that matters is just telling me they don’t understand politics.

  • They would have unironically been better off if they just continued with Mayo Pete. The only reason I can imagine they didn’t is because of how new he was to the game, long time loyalists like Kamala Harris and Joe Biden needed to have their turn first. It disturbs me that the Democrats might recognize their mistake and then I’ll be stuck hearing this asshole’s name for the next several decades

  • Seconding recommendations to be normal.

    If you want to get on this jury, make sure to look like your average tax paying citizen who doesn’t pay much attention matters of politics or current events. The law? You respect the hell out of the law! It should never be broken for any reason ever! And the law is whatever the prosecutor and defense think it is, that’s jury selection. Lean toward appeasing the prosecutor, though. Once you’re in, do some jury nullification if the defendant is a working class person accused of some bullshit like drug possession or petty theft

    If you don’t want to get on this jury, then you have strong opinions about jury nullification. You believe it is your civic duty to bypass immoral laws as a member of the jury, and you will do it. They’ll tell you that if the evidence proves without a shadow of a doubt that the defendant committed the crime, then you legally must vote to convict. That’s a load of shit, it’s your right to vote however you want for whatever reason you want, let them know this!

  • Thanks for sharing that meme, Courage, JoJo’s part 4 gang, and Pikachu are perfectly placed.

    Definitely gotta disagree about L himself, though. I think he got as far as he did primarily because he could intuit the powers of the Death Note, which is impressive for someone who wouldn’t normally consider magic as an explanation for anything. What went wrong was he couldn’t figure the details out quite fast enough to prove Light lied about the rules before divine intervention killed him to save Misa from prosecution.

  • I keep forgetting how much liberals seem to literally believe the DPRK is this Truman Show esque society where everything and everyone is performative, existing only for the benefit of onlooking western liberals.

    This sort of belief is extremely pervasive and keeps coming up time and time again whenever I talk about the DPRK with literally anyone in my irl life, and it still manages to blindside me every time with how truly, deeply unserious this shit is in the west

  • No kidding, like he really had to fuck up hard to get caught doing what he was doing. The guy anonymously makes himself the executioner’s blade of the global capitalist police state. The mainstream news and imperial core policing institutions publishes lists of names labeled “criminal”. Light Yagami kills them. Kira’s will and the will of capitalist states the world over were aligned.

    Light kills various detectives during the initial investigations, but there were absolutely 0 serious police or societal resources put toward stopping the threat of Kira until L chases Light into a corner. To lose the heat, Light has Rem give the death note to some dumbass rich executive who starts using it to kill other rich people, and the hammer comes down. Then once Light gets the death note back, Rem, a literal goddess of death, sacrifices herself to kill L and bailout Misa. Light comes out of this squeaky clean.

    The first incident with L, chalk it up to inexperience with the real world. Light starts his career as a magical serial killer a young man fresh out of high school, stupid mistakes are expected.

    After that? There’s never another serious attempt to stop him until he gets too cocky and slips up several times while being watched by a rogue CIA offshoot lead by a literal 12 year old. This rogue CIA offshoot had by that point lost all state backing. The president of the United States himself by that point expresses support of Kira. Light Yagami was just sort of a fuck up.

  • Youtube never got me with all the “You must stop using adblock right now or no more videos!” bullshit, but now it appears they are throttling my connection. I can’t say if it’s related to my using Firefox and ublock origin, but wow that’d be a passive aggressive move if so.

    My internet speed has been a problem on no other site video streaming site but Youtube. Now for the past couple weeks videos only load consistently if I set them to 360p or lower. Occasionally I need to go down to 144p.

    After struggling to listen to a 2 hour podcast like that, I had the bright idea to just dump the link into yt-dlp. Downloaded the video for me in 44 seconds at 480p, so it’s definitely not a technical problem on my end. Thanks Youtube, I guess I’ll just watch videos on VLC from now on.

  • Western opinions of the DPRK are downright wacky, the propaganda against this one country is absolutely saturated in society. The average westerner knows just as much about what the DPRK is actually like as the westerners who consider themselves well read on international politics. It’s like the one country where almost all people think it’s ok to just never read anything about it, never investigate it, and never make a single good faith attempt to understand it. Instead it’s always just repeat the last insane gossip you heard coming from the last large news media company you recall talking about scary North Korea

    I don’t know if it’s still like this, but there was once a wikipedia article about homeownership rates by country. It made note of the DPRK specifically just to say the home ownership rate was 0%. The justification for this in the talk page was that the DPRK is an absolute monarchy, Kim Jong Un is the monarch, and therefore he owns every home in the DPRK and the ownership rate is thus 0.

    Nonsense like this so pervasive that I am of the occasional mind that near all English speaking media about the DPRK should just be dismissed out of hand.

  • And total aside but I bet discords were heavily involved in the spread of this. I swear if you shut down discord tomorrow you’d cut grooming in half, you’d cut sharing of this stuff and other bad material by more than half. It’s just such a vile shit-hole platform that allows and entices the worst kind of scum.

    I had always been real suspicious of discord from the start as it moved from being a skype replacement to what amounts to a social media site with little gated communities. I never thought these communities were this unchecked and unmoderated, however. No one really knows what the fuck goes on in any of them, based on the stories I’ve heard of that shithole. The darkest shit imaginable goes down in there, the true bottom of the internet. People into evil shit congregate around 4chan until it gets to be too gross and actionable for even the 4chan mods. That’s when they start funneling into discord links passed around in their threads complaining about their posts being removed.

  • I would be very careful using the word scammer this lightly. And if this actually even is storyofrachel (I have not personally seen the evidence of this yet, but I do admit this would be very uncanny similarity if this were just a coincidence).

    No one else who sent money in small amounts could have been deceived because this money was sent on the basis that this user is homeless, and has unmet basic needs that money can help them fulfill. This is true regardless of anything else this user may have lied about or did under different accounts.

    The queerphobic comments made by storyofrachel that originally got her banned are disappointing and, it would be unfortunate to learn this is the same user. But remember this is a young, unhoused, trans person themself. Those comments were made years ago, and nothing like that has ever happened again since. I’m personally willing to forgive them, but I understand anyone who else who is not. But since this is all speculation, it would be unfeasible to make a case for getting them on ban evasion.

    Ultimately none of that makes them a scammer, though. They are a genuine member of Hexbear and I have seen them posting normally for at least six months under their current account.

    EDIT: Almost forgot to address the $4000, lol. If anyone was scammed, it was the person who sent this all at once. That was just one donation, and we don’t have anyone coming out claiming they were scammed. Without someone reporting they were scammed, it’s hard to make the case that this was a scamming. That’s why I think this whole incident should just be shelved for now.