
Programmer, Gamer

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I hate the term “Genocide Joe”:

    • it doesn’t put enough fault on Netanyahu
    • its an in group term, if you are in the group you know what it means, if not its either has no meaning, or is taken too literally/incorrectly.
    • The middle east is a mess, we make it worse in every attempt to improve it, but some of those religiously using this phrase I don’t think want peace, just wish a different group was winning. This is a small subset of those using the phrase, but seem to be driving the political outcome by an oversized amount.

    See the expression should be Netanyahu is treating the Palestinians like Hitler did the Jews. So why are we [Joe/Harris] so blindly following this.

    And I know the political answer to this is Joe/Harris were trying to use there position for political pressure… I’d say it failed but they did get a last min ceasefire, so history may prove otherwise.

  • First realize what is being talked about is the generally agreed upon open source definition https://opensource.org/osd

    While it seems they have simplified the license removing some reasons it’s not to be considered open source, it’s still restricting commercial uses in the following two restrictions:

    "You may distribute the software or provide it to others only if you do so free of charge for non-commercial purposes.

    Notwithstanding the above, you may not remove or obscure any functionality in the software related to payment to the Licensor in any copy you distribute to others."

    In short open source would only require the software be distributed with source under the same licensed as recieved, thus can’t restrict it to non-commercial, nor prevent the changing of payment details.

    Obviously it’s a reasonably permissive license, and possibly won’t impact you from using it as an end user. It’s just has some restrictions for the creators to request payment, and to prevent third parties profiting off the product. Think Creative Commons, share alike, non-commercial for software. (While most will consider this fair its not quite fully open)

    One reason they went this route was to prevent third parties form distributing their software with ads and using it in systems they are actively attempting to provide alternatives for (ie software that may spy on your system useage/and call home) the non-commercial clause has more teeth than say MIT where it would be relicensed, or GPL that while the software source would need to be provided might still be embedded in a ecosystem.

  • EzTerrytopolitics @lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    5 months ago

    I do wonder how much this has changed:


    But I’m tired of those on here thinking the Democrats need to become the “progressive left” when that is not who the Democratic party represents… Or let’s be clear it’s only a small but loud fraction of it, that keeps threatening on leaving.

    That said I’m not sold trying to go after the “populist right” was the right Move, stick to centrist working class.

    Of course if the far left didn’t vote… The party is stuck moving even more to the right … So… We will see.

    What would interest me more is a “party” of leftist that:

    • provides people to local town/county elections (and further up as it gains success)
    • promotes democrats that fit their views (AOC for example) note this is not running as a third party, just promoting those that exist
    • dosnt run against other stron democrats in the larger races, president in particular this is a central roll elect someone that will help get your policies in place.

    More important promote, explain, and teach the pogressive policies and how it will help people, and be willing to debate pros/cons of other ideas. This exists I feel, but not on this echo chamber…

  • I would need to know what US state [if any] you are registerer to vote in to look up what your primary options were. And how you might have used it best to state an opinion.

    In NJ:

    We did have the uncommited option (got 9%, nearly the rest to Biden at the time, you could have also written in any other elegable person) However we also had a senate race:

    In the democratic primary senator race, the results were (aprox) 9% for Lawrence Hamm 16% for Patricia Campos-Medina 75% for Andy Kim

    If you want the US to be less involved with the Netanyahu government Kim was the worse of the three.

    And this decision (ie who will be in the senate, driving laws) makes a huge difference in the party wide policy, that is the primary policy Biden (now Harris) is following… Since the president is inherently a centrist roll. (Ie center of those the people elect, this can of course shift left/right/up/down/ect with the electorate)

    Is the system perfect no… (but posts on instant runnoff voting, or ranked choice will make the post a book, and they are not yet the system in play, last these systems would really only help reiterate the signal the primaries give… It would be still someone in the center of the electorate at the top… And if we are lucky more parties)

  • Even before today’s news of Biden stepping down, I feel the public party infighting about him/trump/ect instead of getting anything of substance into the news stream is an indication the current democratic party is over. As in effectively not a party.

    Thus to add to AOC’s comment: A very bad time for this as our system has two semi stable states… 2 party rule… Or one party rule. (Sure outside groups/parties can and do help mold the main parties to their actual policy goals, but and if are popular enough get merged in or replace a main party)

    This means can a new party grow out of the ashes of current one and actually organize in time for the election. (Obviously this “new” party gets to use the name/infrastructure of the one I’m calling over so may just look from the outside a shuffle of administration if fast… And it needs to be fast)

    And while I was happy to vote for Biden, and now presumably Harris, the lack of strength I see from Democrats on policy very much concerns me. (Not even it needs to be as far left as many on here seem to want it but it must be functional… So those more left can debate actual policy… Not that issues even exist… Or ignoring it all together)

    One sliver of hope is this can be used to pivot the talking points back on track… But given the media climate I am not hopeful.

  • Ask yourself what this feature is actually useful for. Ignore the concerns of privacy just what can this really do.

    Its not really needed for copilot, if it wanted to capture what you were doing it would directly update the internal model, no reason for the slide show of your action.

    No besides wasteing disk space this is for:

    1. Gaming youtubers to get a screen shot of something when they were not recording
    2. Some screen shots of history when searching not better than the file/website preview really
    3. Tracking and logging what the end user is doing so when audited by the manager/it they can use it as proof you are not doing it right/are inefficient /should ve fired

    By all means a company can disable this in policy im sure, but its for the enterprise not the end user. (and yes stored locally, but if you delete the laptop when they want to inspect it that likely is all the excuse they need)

  • EzTerrytoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comReminder...
    10 months ago

    Do it in the primary… where the current system expects it… but… there is only 1 or 2 primary candidates in the current style winner takes all scenario we have… and ID say fight for instant runoff elections, but vote for those with a chance until then… Even if you think your state is safe…

  • EzTerrytoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comReminder...
    10 months ago

    Sorry, you will get big changes voting for Trump. becasue too much is already in place to make those types of changes happen. I dont agree with these changes, but to say they are the “same” is a dangerous opinion.

    The person at the top is needed to green light policy… those lower down present such policy… While this can seem boring it is important, since while by definition the president will be at the center of their party. If the party you vote for is most interested in vetoing everything of the other party… even if they agree with the law in general, there is no progress.

    Of course you must do more than just vote for the least bad president to make the change happen… However if you can’t at least do that you own the results os the OP said.

  • We are in a winner takes all system, It has limitations, Its very stable with 1, primary party, its possible to have 2 primary parties, its while not impossible, very very hard to have more primary parties.

    Sure its possible particularly in a state for a new party to replace an existing one… However most cases of this the new party becomes part of or replaces an existing parties leadership. However if you really want more parties we need something like instant runoff elections, Im very disappointed in how much push back on that has happened where its been attempted. (or a parliamentary system… but i dont see that fitting into the US system)

  • See I think most on here are Republican Plants, Why simple they seem to not grasp Biden votes with the middle of his party. At the very core a politition thus his position changes with the party…

    In many ways this makes him a good if not boring president.

    Why, well if you elect people into Congress that generally vote with the Democrats that are alighned diffrently his votes will match.

    People complain (including myself) about his non questioning support of Netanyahu, but look at how few members of Congress challenge that? yes Sanders did specifically on the isreal issue… but who else even of the extream left?

  • Many EU countries have freedom to roam laws to allow access accross undeveloped private property, this includes as you said camping as long as you leave the land as found.

    In the US i know of no state allowing such, and the ability of the person traversing the land to sue the owner means the default is no treasspassing signs everywhere. this isnt to say if you were unsure if the land was private and there is no sign/indicator of tresspassing you coulding walk through but that isnt strictly giving you the right to access the land

    in western States quite a bit of land is federally owned and behaves more like right to roam, this has made odd cases there is a cheker board patern between two federal land areas and private property and what to do when a hunter says steps over the corner of the private properties between the two public access areas.

  • Honestly, windows gamers upgrade to windows 11, Linux users stay on Linux, and everyone else is on android/ios and in no hurry to do anything about the laptop collecting dust most of the time.

    Companies are also more likely to pay the extended support a year or two and update when the computer is replaced.

    Its only on here on the fediverse people have time to complain about windows 11. (well some of the gamers might but more likely due to unstable systems on the newest i9 chips, since you launch steam, discord and a browser and alt tab between them… ignoring the start menu)