• 44 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Law 1 would cover say Gravity

    example - my wizard will make the 4 orcs levitate high up in the air. 1pt to break Law 1 and then 4 more points for the 4 orcs. Then spend 1 more point for +1 on the roll. Level 1 Wizard so that is 3pts. 18 Int so that is +3 pts. - got the 6 pts for the spell. The GM reminds the player that every 2pts spent = 1 combat round. So your Wizard is chanelling the magic and chanting in deep meditation for 3 rounds. Someone needs to keep those Orcs off you for those 3 rounds. So the start of 3rd round, during the magic phase the player rolls - gets a 17 but has the +1 for 18. Strong Sucess the orcs levitate high up in the air. How long was not specified so just roll me a d6 for many rounds. Then gravity returns and they come falling down.

    Not done yet. You broke a Law of the Universe - Roll a d20 under your Wisdom to see if you know how to appease the gods or get away with this. If you fail on a even dice roll a Zaire shows up on uneven roll a Paradox Effect in d12 days will occur with you as the nexus point. The Universe must be Repaired. So if you get the Paradox Effect. You should have a few days to make amends and cancel it out. I would suggest reaching out to a Zaire and begging for mercy.

  • This is why the Merchant Class and Sea Elves in BECMI Mystara are so OP

    1: The reaction System

    If you’re using the old B/X reaction roll system, there is only a one-in-thirty-six chance that any given monster encounter goes straight to violence. Anything else gives you some room to manoeuvre: to talk, bluff, make a bargain, offer a bribe, whatever. If you want a fight you can have one, but you almost never actually have to fight. (And hell, even if they do attack, you can always just run away.) This is very different to later editions of D&D, which assumed that monsters would always attack on sight and usually fight to the death.

    If you use the reaction system, then instead of the dungeon becoming a series of tactical combat challenges, it becomes a network of social challenges. What does each group want? What does it need? What can you offer them, and what can they offer you? With a bit of quick thinking and a lot of heart, you can talk your way through a dungeon much more effectively than you could ever fight your way through it.

    The power of having the Darokin Diplomatic Corps Badge is not to be understimated. Yes I have authority to negotiate a trade treaty.