Yes, the trap-doors are more closely related to tarantulas than the other spiders you mentioned, so they are much bulkier. That one looks to be male to me, so I think you’ve found one out looking for a lady.
Yes, the trap-doors are more closely related to tarantulas than the other spiders you mentioned, so they are much bulkier. That one looks to be male to me, so I think you’ve found one out looking for a lady.
Not a recluse. Looks like a Ummidia (trap door spider). Very cool spiders.
Battlestar Galactica is the one I just can’t do. I didn’t watch it when it aired, but I borrowed the box set from someone around the time it wrapped up. I think I watched 3 very tense episodes, looked at how many remained, and bailed. If I ever try again I’ll pretend I’m watching them being broadcast and stick to one episode a week. I’m probably a wuss, but that show left me exhausted.
I quite like Dana K. White’s system for this. When putting something away she asks “if I were looking for this item where would I look for it first?” And wherever that place is is where the item goes. Now I keep all my Sharpie markers in the silverware drawer and I can always find one.
Dana White doesn’t write specifically for the adhd crowd, but I swear she’s the first organizer that has ever made sense to me. There’s more to her system than this, obviously, but not much, and it almost never involves buying more bins.
Thank you, this is the closest I’ve seen to something comprehensive.
Sweet, I guess I’m going to have to get a PC at some point. I actually played Riven for iPadOS recently and it was still fun, but the point and click is pretty tedious.
I’m not sure a remake willl ever match the magic of when I originally played in 1998, though. My laptop was so junky I played most of the game under a blanket because the screen was so dark, haha.
Ad Riven. I read all the novels, too!
It’s been a while, but I wanted to come back and thank you for this rec, because I really like the blue lizard sunscreen. I got the stick for my face and tube stuff for the rest of my body and I’m really pleased with them. These actually rub in very well and I’m not leaving white streaks on everything I touch.
The Count of Monte Cristo is what immediately came to my mind also. He is absolutely thorough in his revenge.
Very excited to have the compact comments and swipe down on the image previews!
Oh that’s funny, I forgot beehaw didn’t have downvotes. I actually can downvote and see the downvotes, but maybe those are just going off into the ether.
Oh, and I also suspect the user(s?) doing this is using other accounts to upvote the posts.
The ones I’ve been reporting have all been users and it is a violation of the rules to use your account to advertise on or any other instance. I don’t know how other instances are handling it.
I actually don’t know who gets the reports I’ve been submitting, either, so I’m not sure if it’s doing anything.
I have been to a couple community days in the park and both times someone had already added lures to many of the pokestops - probably because there is medal for players catching pokemon from your lure.
I would just go somewhere that has a lot of gyms/stops clustered closely together if you have something like that. At the park I go to there are spots where you can barely see the ground because there are so many pokemon. Even stops without lures have a lot, so finding pokemon on community day has never been an issue and I can finish the research pretty quickly.
Tips? Sunscreen and water, even if it’s not hot where you are.
I’ve been reporting them. It seems that a lot of the posts contain affiliate links, so it’s someone trying to make money from that - not because they wrote the books that are getting posted.
Some have been banned, but they keep coming back. Some may be bots, but not all - I saw at least one come back with a hateful response when called out.
As someone who once put some tortillas on the griddle, turned to the fridge to get cheese, and…walked right out of the room and back to my desk, I 100% agree. I sometimes feel dumb that I am literally setting 1 or 2 minute timers, but it’s better than burning stuff. I don’t always need them, but they are really helpful during times of stress when I’m especially preoccupied with other things.
I did a jigsaw puzzle of this painting a few years back. It was incredibly interesting to examine all those little brushstrokes one tiny square at a time and see how it all came together.
We can add [email protected] to that list. I tried to report an individual post, but I’m not sure if it went through. I just got a spinning wheel when I hit submit.
Looks like Araneus diadematus to me. They have a white cross on their abdomen like the one on your photo. Cool spiders (they’re all cool :)