• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • That tech looks super cool & might be worth waiting for, but from what I’ve been reading it is still being perfected and will likely see big improvements fairly quickly after release.

    Heres a clip from this article I think is relevent: Teh said the new drives have double the capacity of storage systems using conventional 16TB perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR) drives, and this can be doubled again over the next four years. The company is projecting 4TB platters in the next couple of years, with 5TB coming shortly thereafter, and 6TB out beyond the current roadmap.

    So there’s a chance you wait for those drives, pay a little extra cuz the tech is new, then have something twice as good get released a year or two later.

    It’s definetly a tricky situation & ultimately up to you and what you want. Do you need that extra storage asap, or is it more of a eventually kind thing? Does new tech have its own intrinsic value to you, or is it more about price per terabyte?

    Good luck with your decision! I know how hard these kind of choices can be. You never know what the market will look like after you finally make that big purchase.

  • There are a number of storage technologies in the works right now. However, I think they will result in a new type of memory device rather than HDDs getting cheaper. Kind of like how a stack of CDs isn’t cheaper now than it was in 2005, rather there are new types of storage that offer more memory and longer life spans.

    So if you are definetly going HDD, prices are probably not going to get that much cheaper, if any cheaper at all.

    I’d say keep an eye out for sales & that will probably make a bigger difference than waiting a set amount of time.

  • So when I write, I typically start by getting inspired about an over arching story. I make up an outline, then to fill it in I start with scenes that feel very important or that I can really visualize. I then write those, modify the outline if necessary and write more scenes as they come to me. The scenes often get revised as more and more of the story comes together & the scenes get joined into larger and larger fragments until a complete story is there. Sometimes scenes get radically changed or dropped as the process goes on.

    Then when it feels done, I have a first draft that I edit as a cohesive piece & get feedback on.

    So I’m still at the generating scenes and modifying the outline stage. Hopefully I’m not being too ambitious, but any progress will be progress :)

    I’ve tried pomedoro method & it can be great for getting past that initial inertia & actually getting into the flow of writing. Thanks for all you kind words & good luck with your world building and map making this month :D

  • That sounds great! Definetly isn’t mandatory, just a nice option for people who want to be able to talk about nitpicky details and get specific feedback. Maybe if there are enough people we could do a voice chat or something.

    I’m part of a discord based book club that has weekly voice chats & they’re definetly a nice addition.

    I might be getting too far ahead of myself with ideas though lol I’m just spitballing, I’m excited for anything you decide to do, glad you had this idea :)

  • Makes sense, a new community probably wouldn’t be necessary at the start & this community could probably use the extra traffic anyways :)

    Maybe a way to organize it within the post is having topic specific comments? You could even link to the comments within the main body of the post.

    For example you could have a comment that says: comment here for dm motivation. Then people can reply to that specific comment and it’ll all be nested. Things might get tricky if the post gets too much activity, but I get the feeling it will probably be a small group :)

  • I have a couple writing projects I’ve been working on and would love a collaborative space to both motivate and inspire eachother :)

    Do you think we would share our writing in addition to talking about the process? It could be opt in for people who aren’t as comfortable sharing their actual writing.