• 5 Posts
Joined 20 hours ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2024


  • Russia had conditions to avoid war that are the same as those to end war. Extremely similar to JFK’s red lines over Cuba missiles. You need Ukraine to be in NATO, have US nuclear missile bases and to remain nazified? JFK was right to threaten a defensive invasion of Cuba. Americans, just as Russians today, would have supported it. Ukraine directly provoked the war, and has no humanist reason to rule over people it hates and has been killing.

  • 2014 US manufactured coup, was a Ukrainian turning point, that pivoted its solid alliance with USSR/Russia towards its nazi rebelious faction that was given power by US. Link proves those nazi roots are strong still today. Anyone awake should know that US wants this war. There cannot simultaneously be a “vital strategic interest for war to continue” and no provocation for it occurring. Nazis volunteering Ukrainians to die to diminish Russia is too good of an opportunity to risk nuclear war, and western media disinformation seems to make everyone love this.

  • China’s ultra cheap EVs are subcompacts that are extremely well suited to small batteries to keep them cheap. Small batteries can work for EVs if there is good charging infrastructure. Europe, being densely populated, is suited to having good charging infrastructure on heavily used highways, and “drive through small towns” which have cafes and restaurants suited to recharging at EU life pace.

    EU/French car history is ultra well suited to small cars, where cities have narrow streets, and affordability has always been popular.

    EVs with small batteries, even in EU/US, can be built cheaper than ICE vehicles by domestic brands. Battery costs are falling everywhere, but licensing/importing Chinese tech to bringing battery costs down, is path to domestic EV industry success/growth. EU is especially vulnerable to geopolitical oil extortion, from both friends and foes.

  • The leaks can lead to heavy metal contamination and potentially lower pH levels, all of which can make drinking water undrinkable

    Brine contamination, I know very little about, but if it stayed near bottom of lake, may not pose a fish or water source risk. Salt may dilute to rest of water, but heavy metals would not? Water becoming Perrier, or otherwise high co2 levels, may affect fish, if they don’t move, but not a human drinking hazard.

    What I do know about is CCS projects. The most successful CO2 capture project from a 100mw coal turbine cost $1B, and captured 65% of CO2. In Saskatchewan. These costs ($10/watt above the fossil plant) are comparable to power costs of on budget nuclear (not a cost/time effective climate solution). The CC process involves a giant building that replaces a chimney, and passes the flue through a liquid that will capture the CO2. Coal interests are avoiding all CCS projects because they are completely uneconomical. Other FF electricity use a similar process, though coal emits H2S (acid rain and smog problem) that needs to also be captured. Blue H2, has a problem of while the process gasses can be separated, the heat needed from the process is usually NG powered, and needs a chimney like electricity production.

    A far cheaper way of reducing coal or other FF emissions by 65%, is to replace them with solar+4 hours batteries, and keep the FF plants as a backup peaker that will run far less than 35% of the year. Because land around a coal plant is extremely undesirable for any other purpose, it is often sufficient to produce the same energy as the coal plant from solar.