ihaveibs [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024

  • As someone with a based educator as a partner, this kind of rhetoric and thinking pisses me off so much. Schools are so fucking harmful to children (which is a huge understatement but idk how to express it more strongly) and these kinds of people gleefully take up their position as functionally prison wardens and then have the shamelessness to blame everything on the children. Fuck these people. You literally just have to treat them like fucking human beings. School is designed to break their humanity. It says everything about YOU if you blame children and perpetuate this system.

  • I appreciate all the recommendations! I’ve been stuck in a stressful period so I haven’t really been stimming as much lately which is also contributing. Im still learning a lot about my stimming behaviors so I will try out your advice. Ive already incorporated a lot of yours and others suggestions (weighted blanket, eye mask, noise cancelling headphones, blackout curtains, oscillating fan) which I guess just underscores how much work I need to put in on just general sleep hygiene but I think finding better sensory inputs and engaging in more stimming behavior can go a long way to regulate myself better.

  • Can’t reply to all the comments so I’ll just respond here. I truly appreciate the advice everyone is giving me!

    I guess I was hoping there was some secret easy fix or something but I guess the truth is I’m gonna have to put some hard intentional work into addressing the issue. I think I’m still in the midst of a 3+ year long burnout that I need to address as well to figure out my sleep issues. I will try slowly weaning off weed instead of quitting cold turkey so that I can still get sleep and don’t dysregulate myself even more. I’ll start introducing some better sleep hygiene, turning off screens, going to bed at a consistent time etc. and trying some melatonin. I definitely need to be better about my diet and physical shape as well. Unfortunately the extended daylight hours during the summer do not help so I will also try to find ways to simulate night time earlier to help as well.

    Thanks for giving me a space to talk about this stuff and get suggestions. I’ve been so heavily masking for so long that I think I’m genuinely learning for the first time what it means to take care of myself.

  • I’m grasping at straws tbh, everybody thought the Heatles would be unstoppable but in reality the Mavs were also elite that year even if people thought they were outmatched. I think in this series the gap between them and Boston is probably quite large but I would much rather see them win than the Celtics so I’m trying to be optimistic

  • Dirk and the Mavs were a big underdog to the heat at the time… Although they had a pretty complete squad even if they lacked star power. I am comfortable saying Luka > Dirk already solely in terms of peak ability tho (probably pretty controversial for now I know) so who knows hes good enough that it’s possible