• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Update:

    We finished the museum on Shell Isle (island after Nookadoon) and restarted it again as Cool Isle, we still need a tuna to finish the museum. I learned I like it best the first few days when the player does not have one bell to rub against another. However, time moves on and after you get so far it is better to finish it out. Setting the clock to 4:59 am allows you to restart the same day, I did not feel like waiting 2 days for Residential services to upgrade so I used that method to speed it up. Isabelle said we were level 2 and needed more residents. I used the 4:59 am trick to add villagers, after I thought we added the 8th villager Tom Nook said I could not add any more. I figured I screwed it up because I did not talk to Isabelle enough. Prior to adding more villagers She told us we were at level 2 and needed more residents. Anyhow, when I asked she said we were level 5 , a couple hours to go from 2 to 5. We are not creative, so our islands have the basics to be level 5 . We usually use 2 players with nothing to get to level 3, then move our regular players in with their houses. However this time went differently so our regular players came back after reaching level 5.

    On our sister Island, my wife’s player house has passed 300 thousand score with Happy Home, I thought that was pretty good. She likes to collect photos, I think she has 60+ different villager photos. After she gets their photo she gets rid of them.

    However, my favorite scene was Tom Nook shivering one cold morning as he gave the speech. Next time I will make a video.

  • Yesterday I tried Google Support yet again, same as before, he wanted me to reboot, remove and install everything including Google account again. After I refused to keep doing the same things over and over again he said he would elevate it to the next level of support and they would contact me via email. I am waiting for the email. It would be nice to be able to purchase the “remove ads” but I do not think that is going to happen any time soon.

  • It is going on 3 days, every android device registered to me continues to do the same thing, after several hours of removing and installing by direction of Google Support it is still the same. I suspect it has nothing to do with either the app or my devices, I strongly suspect it has to do with the Google payment system not clearing the request. As much as I would like to get it fixed, I really am tired of dealing with Google Support, they are pleasant but worthless.

  • Thanks for the suggestions, the OLED models look to be the best quality, but I read users that keep their TV on for several hours a day are better off with a QLED. We play ACNH for several hours a day, watch a couple TV shows and have the CCTV cameras on for most of the time we are awake. Maybe 12+ hours a day would be too much for a Oled and we would get screen burn in. On the other hand I saw some like LG have programs that run when the TV is off to keep the burn in from developing. On the other hand they said the old Plasma models were sensitive to screen burn in and ours has been working hard almost every day for several years and only recently started showing signs of burn in that we could see.

  • I used the Pixelfed web site, do not know about apps for Pixelfed. I signed up, did not follow anyone and hit create a post, when finished it gave me a link to put into the Lemmy the same way I did with Igmur. If Igmur works better for you, I would keep using it until a better app is available.

    We saw the notice Boost was going to Lemmy and installed the Boost for Lemmy upgrade app and then signed up for Lemmy. As soon as Boost for Lemmy is released we will get it as an upgrade to our current Boost installation. Our Boost for Reddit still works, perhaps something extra for people that got the upgrade to Lemmy app install? My wife and joined Lemmy to keep using Boost - I hate using the Reddit app. The last day or two, Lemmy has been pretty good, even Jerboa is working OK, just can not do videos easily.

  • Originally I used Igmur but after reading some of the posts I tried Pixelefed and it seemed as easy as Igmur, you can pick if you want your entire album or just a single video to post, it gives you a link to copy and past into the create post where is says URL and Lemmy updates it. I did not learn how to add a thumbnail, but still looking, I am hoping android Boost for Lemmy will soon be released, it made these things easier on Reddit.

  • We never could get a seed using the weather, we were always wrong. We watch for shooting stars, and it is best on a busy night. Usually takes 4 or 5 bursts in a row, after you enter the several burst (usually 5 shooting stars a single minute time frame ) the program allows you to also use the time between let’s say you have burst at 7:15, 7:18, 7:50 7:55 you add those there is an option to use the no star time between and it will record that as well and then most times it will come up with seeds. The first time we did it the seed times seemed wrong, but the problem was I did not go into the details to see the actual times. According to the website you can get a seed in a half hour under ideal conditions but most times it takes a couple hours.

    One time it took longer because I forgot to clear my browser cache and I think it was using some previously entered info from another island we did because after I cleared the cache and reentered the data it found the exact seed and only that seed.

  • Originally we did not have Nintendo Switch on line and only Pear Island, we did everything the hard way, taking turns playing, diving for hours to pay off loans. As with other new players we did not even know about vaulting polls, wet suits or even how to catch wasps. We went to mystery islands and would try to figure out how to get to the higher levels. After reading on line we learned a lot, and got the Nintendo Online account which made things much easier, and having 2 islands made it easier yet, but at times I miss the old days with a new island (but not enough to give up everything) and that is why we reset a few times.

    One of my regrets this time is not making a video of Tom Nook the morning he was freezing and shaking while making the morning announcement, I liked that as much watching Apollo being scared by wasps.