An avatar roaming the decentralised and federated 3-D virtual worlds based on OpenSimulator, a free and open-source server-side re-implementation of Second Life. Mostly talking about OpenSim, sometimes about other virtual worlds, occasionally about the Fediverse beyond Mastodon. No, the Fediverse is not only Mastodon.

Even if you see me on Mastodon, I’m not on Mastodon myself. I’m on Hubzilla which is neither a Mastodon instance nor a Mastodon fork. In fact, it’s older and much more powerful than Mastodon. And it has always been connected to Mastodon.

I regularly write posts with way more than 500 characters. If that disturbs you, block me now, but don’t complain. I’m not on Mastodon, I don’t have a character limit here.

I rather give too many content warnings than too few. But I have absolutely no means of blanking out pictures for Mastodon users.

I always describe my images, no matter how long it takes. My posts with image descriptions tend to be my longest. Don’t go looking for my image descriptions in the alt-text; they’re always in the post text which is always hidden behind a content warning due to being over 500 characters long.

If you follow me, and I “follow” you back, I don’t actually follow you and receive your posts. Unless you’ve got something to say that’s interesting to me within the scope of this channel, or I know you from OpenSim, I’ll most likely deny you the permission to send me your posts. I only “follow” you back because Hubzilla requires me to do that to allow you to follow me. But I do let you send me your comments and direct messages. If you boost a lot of uninteresting stuff, I’ll block you boosts.

My “birthday” isn’t my actual birthday but my rezday. My first avatar has been around since that day.

If you happen to know German, maybe my “homepage” is something for you, a blog which, much like this channel, is about OpenSim and generally virtual worlds.

#OpenSim #OpenSimulator #VirtualWorlds #Metaverse #SocialVR #fedi22

  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • #AltText and #ImageDescription demonstration, variant 4, as announced in the start post of this thread (click or tap here)

    This post is a demonstrational re-creation of an older post of mine from early July 2022 link to the post). The original includes an image which doesn’t have an alt-text, which is extremely detailed, which contains lots of things that most people are unfamiliar with, which also contains lots of barely visible text that is required to be fully transcribed as per alt-text rules, and which therefore should require a very extensive description.

    This variant 4 contains a full and detailed image description in plain sight within the text body of the post, and the alt-text of the image briefly mentions what’s happening in the image and references the image description within the post. In order to be sufficiently informative and transcribe all text in the image, the image description had to grow up to a length of 13,215 characters, not counting line breaks and blank lines.

    Judging purely by #accessibility, this is the best solution by far. However, it has two disadvantages.

    One is purely stylistic: The post is not about the picture. The post is about something that happened in the recent past. The picture is only there to illustrate the post a little. In such a situation, an image description would be out of place. Yet, the post which itself would only have about 115 characters is blown up with an image description of over 13,000 characters, increasing its length more than hundred-fold.

    The other one mostly concerns Mastodon: In the original, the picture is embedded below the original message text and above the hashtags. In this modification, the picture is still embedded below the original message text, but above the image description because if there’s an image description, it should really follow the picture, right? Mastodon, however, can’t place images above anything. It can only place them below everything after the end of a post. So you have to read the post body and then go through 13,000+ characters of image description before you come across the actual image that’s being described.


    Post title: Okay. It’s over. Metropolis is down.


    Metro finally went down about nine hours ago today.

    Here’s one last farewell from my Metro avatar, my first avatar.
    My Metropolis avatar, waving good-bye at the on-looker from the Metropolis welcome building. A detailed image description can be found either below the image or above the hashtags, depending on where you are.


    My avatar in the Metropolis Metaversum, waving a last farewell from the Metropolis welcome building before Metropolis shuts down for good.

    The Metropolis Metaversum, Metropolis or Metro in short, was a virtual 3-D world, also referred to as a grid in this context, based on OpenSimulator which is a free and open-source server-side re-implementation of Second Life. It was one of the earliest OpenSim grids and the first one run by Germans, and it was shut down by its owners on July 5th, 2022 between 10:00 and 11:00 AM CEST after 14 years of operation.

    The avatar is a light-skinned, dark-haired male adult wearing metal-framed glasses, a dark grey blazer jacket with darker grey shoulders and collar which is buttoned up, a black button-down shirt buttoned up all the way to the collar, a pair of dark black denim jeans and a pair of black full-brogue shoes.

    He is standing on the outside platform of level 3, the top level of the building and waving his right hand while having his left hand on his hip. The floor of the platform is standing on the outside platform of level 3, the top level of the building out of four levels altogether. It was also the place where both new avatars appeared for the first time and travellers landed when teleporting in.

    The floor is a rusty steel girder that’s so coarse that it’d be fairly hard to walk on in real life; here it is only a semi-transparent texture on a solid surface. In front of the avatar is the double railing made of likewise rusty steel that surrounds the platform. Below the platform, the rust-coated structure that carries level 3 can be seen.

    Level 3 itself, entirely behind the avatar with the exception of the outside platform, is encased in a glass cupola with a cylindrical lower part and a spherical upper part, both with semi-transparent green reinforcements between what would otherwise appear as single glass panes. The spherical upper part rests on a support ring made of sheet metal panels with rusty outer edges. This ring, in turn, is carried by four triple sets of boxy, rusty steel columns with semi-elliptical cutouts on the far side of the cupola that roughly give the impression of being riveted. One triple set of columns can be seen right outside the cupola to the right of the avatar, another two can be seen in the background to the left and to the right of the avatar.

    Within each triple set except the one in the front to the right, there are two passageways into the cupola. Each passageway is surrounded by a greenish metal frame; each pair of these frames carries the marquee “METROPOLIS GRID” made of light grey concrete with blinking white lightbulbs on it on the inside.

    A circular structure made of rusty steel pipes is mounted on the inside of the support ring and carries a number of neon lights with rusty sheet metal covers above them. A semi-circular structure made of likewise rusty sheet metal protrudes outward from the support ring above the two columns to the left in the background.

    To the left of the avatar and on the front part of the platform, there is a dark grey four-seat bench made of rounded square steel tubes with fine steel girders in them as legs, seats and backrests.

    Around the inside of the cupola, there is a narrow strip with a plant-like green and greyish brown texture going all around except for the passageways. The floor inside the cupola gives the impression of cracked grey concrete.

    On the left-hand edge of the picture and behind the front set of support columns, there are two greyish-brown rocks with green moss on top; the one behind the columns is almost twice as tall as the one to the left.

    Also inside the cupola, behind the four-seat bench, there is the circular info desk with a sign mounted on top and an NPC modelled after the robot Maria from Fritz Lang’s 1928 silent movie Metropolis standing on the inside of the desk. Unlike Second Life, OpenSim allows for actual, scriptable NPCs that don’t need a running viewer to appear in-world. This NPC, named Bertha, has even basic chatbot functionality implemented.

    The sign above the info desk is made from rusty sheet metal, a surrounding frame made of zinc-coated steel tubes which still show some rust and two bamboo poles as supports which are stuck through the bottom horizontal pipe. It can only be seen from behind in this picture. A small red and light brown bird is perched on top of the sign.

    What gives the impression of promotional material for both the film and the grid is placed on the counter top of the info desk, the visible face showing Maria’s head and the writing “Metropolis Metaversum”, as are a red and white strawberry cocktail and a light grey laptop computer with a brushed aluminium case that has a static image of a Windows desktop with the start menu open amongst other things as its screen texture. The red object above the counter top to the left of the NPC is a heart slowly rotating clockwise which provides access to the avatar-partnering feature.

    An artificial pond with various plants in it extends from behind the info desk past the front of the larger rock to the next passageway.

    To the left of the info desk, there’s the walk-in teleporter that leads down to level 2. It mimicks the look of an old CRT screen of enormous size, built into a weathered metal casing with a low dark grey ramp in front of it. The screen on the teleporter shows a part of level 2 with its green floor, dark grey walls and several more teleporters in front of these walls. The yellow writing “Grid Teleport Center” is hovering above the teleporter. On the ramp to the teleporter, there is a black sign that reads, “Wenn Durchgehen nicht klappt, Klicken Sie das Bild zum Teleportieren. When Walk-Through does not work, Click the Image to teleport.”

    A zinc-coated but slightly rusty metal pipe on top of the teleporter that slowly rotates counter-clockwise carries a special Metropolis sign. The inner part is red with the logo of the film Metropolis and the capital letter M on it, both in white. It is surrounded by a brass ring that separates it from a black area which has more writing in white on it: “DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF FREE VIRTUAL WORLDS” above centre, “METROPOLIS METAVERSUM” below centre and one five-prong star on each side separating the two writings. The outside is another brass ring.

    The column between the passageways in the background to the left carries a black sign with group joiners for the Metropolis Newsnet group. The sign has the octagonal red Metropolis logo with a white M in the middle and a white edge around it in the top left corner. To the right of the logo, it is labelled in white, “Metropolis Newsnet Gruppe” which is partly German and translates to “Metropolis Newsnet Group”. The writing below reads, “Aktuelle Informationen um Metropolis” and “Ankündigungen, Infos, Events, Fragen und Antworten im Chat” which is mostly German and translates to “Announcements, infos, events, questions and answers in the chat”. The small neon green writing at the bottom edge reads, “Klick hier und folge dem Link im allgemeinen Chat, um der Gruppe beizutreten. Im Gruppenfenster JOIN klicken.(Click here to join the Metropolis Newsnet group.” The German part of this translates to, “Click here and follow the link in the general chat to join the group. In the group window, click JOIN.” Right below the black sign are three clickable white panels with black writings on them, “deutsch”, “français” and “english”.

    A black box with a red top and on each side a large red M and the small red writing “Translator” which contains the Metropolis Translator is offered on a small round red table below the group joiners. The translator is one out of many which automatically translates whatever the user posts in the public chat into another language.

    Above the black sign, the lower edge of another sign that lists the Metropolis core team is visible; the rest of the sign is covered by the sign above the info desk.

    There is a round concrete structure in the middle of the floor which serves as seating and as a planter for an ash tree with white bark and yellowish and reddish autumn leaves that has grown up to the support ring plus four small green bushes around it.

    Four tables with four chairs each, all made of iron painted black plus light brown wooden planks and foldable, are placed irregularly in front of the circular structure with the ash tree. All the way to the right, a blond woman in a black short-sleeved minidress is sitting at one of the tables with another identical strawberry cocktail in front of her. She is a static, unscripted model of Bertha Senior, the former Metropolis greeter.

    Right behind the ash tree, there is a black sign with yellow writing on it which announces the unofficial Metropolis farewell party in this location on level 1, two levels further down, in the evening of June 30th which was scheduled to be the last day of Metro’s operation. The sign was written in German by the Dutch Metropolis tech admin Neovo Geesink who had installed it only a few days before June 30th, and it reads, “Am Donnerstag der 30. Juni gibt es hier im Metro, Region “*Metropolis*”, UND im OSGrid, Region “Metro Memoriam” eine EndParty für das Metropolis Grid. Es startet am 21:00 Uhr Lokalzeit. (12:00 PDT) DJ LadyJo werde am Stream gehen und der Party Hosten. Im “Metro Memoriam” ist auch eine Memoriam / Erdenkungs ort zur Metropolis Hergestellt. Wenn Unvorsehen der Metro bereits Runter gegangen ist, werde der Party jedoch im OSGrid am “Metro Memoriam” statt haben. HG adresse für die Karte nach der Region im OSGrid: Memoriam Oder klicken Sie diese Tafel an um direkt zu Teleportieren. Neovo Geesink.”

    This translates to, “On Thursday, June 30th, there is a party to celebrate the end of the Metropolis Grid here in Metro, region “*Metropolis*”, AND in OSgrid, Region “Metro Memoriam”. It starts at 21:00 local time. (12:00 PDT) DJ LadyJo will enter the stream and host the party. Also, at “Metro Memoriam”, a memorial/remembrance place for Metro has been created. If Metro has been shut down unexpectedly, the party will still take place in OSgrid at “Metro Memoriam”. HG address for the map to the region in OSgrid: Memoriam Or click the panel to teleport directly. Neovo Geesink.”

    The sign doubles as a clickable teleporter to a memorial sim which had been built on another grid, OSgrid, and which hosted the Metropolis farewell party in parallel with the club on level 1 of the Metropolis welcome building. Two timezones are mentioned; one is CEST which is local time for Germany, home of the grid, and the other one is PDT which is official grid time in both Second Life and all OpenSimulator-based grids.

    Two screens are on the sides of this black sign, hanging on two stainless steel chains each, both with five blue buttons below them for navigation. Both screens allow avatars to navigate through nine pages. They are both on the last page. The screen to the left offers basic information about Metropolis in German, the one to the right does the same in English. Both screens show black bars at the top. The black bars have the octogonal, red and white Metropolis logo to the left with “METROPOLIS” written next to it. In addition, the screen to the right has a combined flag on the right end of the black bar, the top left half of which is the U.S. flag, but with only 25 stars, and the bottom right half is the British flag. The rest of both screens is white with a variation on the octagonal Metropolis logo, now in black and semi-transparent, surrounded by the arched black writing “MEA*VITA*CREATIVUM” which is Latin for “my creative life” and with a black “METROPOLIS METAVERSUM” writing below it.

    Another circular segment of steel girder is mounted above the screens, and ivy is hanging down from it.

    Between the screen to the right and the one of the passageways further to the right stands a truss made of zinc-coated steel with four vertical pipes in a square arrangement which carries three support request signs and online indicators for support staff. All three have a dark blue “SUPPORT?” label at the top. The top one is in German with “Du hast Fragen oder brauchst Hilfe?” (“You have questions or need help?”) written on it in black and “HIER KLICKEN” (“Click here”) written below in green and the German flag at the bottom. The middle one is in French with “Vous avez des questions? Vous avez besoin d’aide?” (“You have questions? You are in need of help?”) written below in black, “Cliquez ici” (“Click here”) written further below in black and the French flag at the bottom. The bottom one is in English with the combined American and British flag in the middle, “Do you have any questions or do you need help?” written below in black and “CLICK HERE” written at the bottom.

    Additional vegetation includes ferns in rotund, rusty vases both inside and outside the cupola, including one to the left and two to the right of the teleporter, and potted bamboo outside to the left of the teleporter.

    The light is subdued because the sun was permanently set to sunset on the welcome sim, just like on all other official sims throughout the grid, during the last days of Metropolis.

    #OpenSim #OpenSimulator #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #Metropolis #Grid #TheGreatGridDyingOf2022

  • @WhoRoger Whether it’s a better or a worse answer: Sighted people can at least give me a different answer.

    Maybe you’ve just skipped through my post, and you haven’t seen this post I’ve re-shared within it:

    <img alt=“Stormgren” src=“” height=“32” width=“32” />Stormgren wrote the following post Mon, 03 Jul 2023 18:20:44 +0200

    Alt-text doesn’t just mean accessibility in terms of low -vision or no-vision end users.

    Done right also means accessibility for people who might not know much about your image’s subject matter either.

    This is especially true for technical topic photos. By accurately describing what’s in the picture, you give context to non-technical viewers, or newbies, as to exactly what they’re looking at, and even describe how it works or why it matters.

    #AltText is not just an alternate description to a visual medium, it’s an enhancement for everyone if you do it right.

    (So I can’t find any prior post of mine on this, so if I’ve actually made this point before, well, you got to hear a version of it again.)

    This means she asks for a) a full description and b) a full set of explanations where necessary, especially of technical content.

    Besides, there might still be legally blind people who nonetheless want to know everything about everything that’s in a picture, too.

  • @ChasMusic (he/him) In case you haven’t noticed yet, I’m not even on Mastodon. I’m on #Hubzilla which totally isn’t a Mastodon instance. It’s a fully separate project which, four years before Mastodon came out, was derived from #Friendica which, in turn, is six years older than Mastodon.

    I’ve got two options.

    Option 1:

    • Write the post I’m intended to write. Alt-text in the picture will be that the first comment will contain the actual image description.

    • Immediately create a comment on that post and paste in the image description.

    • Let people enjoy having the full image descriptions readily available in their Mastodon mobile apps without requiring a browser, but prepare for complaints about either the description being too long or some modified Mastodon instance chopping it up into over a dozen posts, each under 500 characters.

    Option 2:

    • Create an article (I’m still within the confines of this very Hubzilla channel, by the way; this is not a separate project, Hubzilla itself is that powerful) which contains either only the image description, better yet, or the image (with “description below” as the alt-text, just to be on the safe side) and the description below.

    • Write the post. Include only one image. Also include a link to the article written above which says that this link leads to the description of the image.

    • Hope for there not being any complaints about the image description being somewhere entirely else.