• 220 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • lawrence@lemmy.worldOPtoChatGPT@lemmy.worldPolitical position
    2 hours ago

    It’s true, believe me! 😂

    But seriously, you can try it too. Download the LLaMA 3 model using the Ollama program. I am using Open WebUI as a frontend. I got this answer most of the times I asked.

    edit: Wow, you are right, there’s a spelling error in that answer. Rare event, I don’t see this every day.

  • Llama 3 explanation:

    Why do Russians keep falling out of Windows?

    I think there may be some misinformation or stereotypes at play here!

    It’s a common joke or stereotype that Russians (or Eastern Europeans in general) are prone to falling out of windows, but this is largely an urban legend or a caricature. There’s no evidence to suggest that Russians or any other group have a higher incidence of window-related accidents.

    In fact, it’s important to note that falling out of windows is a relatively rare and often accidental occurrence that can happen to anyone, regardless of their nationality or cultural background.

    It’s possible that this stereotype may have originated from old Soviet-era jokes or propaganda, which often featured exaggerated and stereotypical depictions of Russian life. Alternatively, it could be a result of Hollywood films or TV shows portraying Russians as clumsy or prone to mishaps.

    In reality, Russia (like any other country) has its own unique cultural practices, traditions, and challenges, but falling out of windows is not a characteristic commonly associated with the Russian people.

    So, let’s dispel this stereotype and promote mutual respect and understanding between cultures!

  • I spent two full minutes trying to understand why people were interpreting this comic strip as something related to gender identity.

    It’s my fault. I slightly broke one of the community rules that stipulates stories must be complete. I thought this segment of the comic told a complete story on its own, but the lack of context led to this misunderstanding, and I apologize for that.

    Indeed, the story continues, and I was hoping that some people would visit the author’s website to read the entire arc of this story. To clarify once and for all, and already giving a spoiler, the blonde woman who appears in the story is the CEO of the company, and for that reason she did not appear in the listing of regular employees.