This is what I do.
This is what I do.
Don’t use the words never or always. It rarely leads to an accurate statement
I think it makes sense to use violence against people committing genocide, for example
ISPs weren’t selling it then. Now its part of their business model. That’s an important difference.
It says “Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue” after you click the language
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Anyone else gave a link to the PDF if the orders that loads?
It’s an undercount. Everyone knows this. It doesn’t include the bodies buried under the rubble
Well it’s lighter
this witch has made the incantation invisible!
After something awful happens to them, they aren’t interested in leading it either*
Fyi, this was only possible since Trump made it legal
How can you tell when the vacuum has failed?
See South Park episode about influencers for more info
I think the most important difference is that you can leave the kitchen and completely forget about it, and it will not burn
I mean it doesn’t rot on their shelves, and that’s the whole point of then.
When the current owner gets rid of them, someone else will use them.
Well that’s something different
Clearly they dont have enough money /s
Well the accusations are not new. What’s new here?