@[email protected] I love the reflections.
Michael Richardson is an open source and open standards consultant.
An autodidact, he wrote mail transfer agents as a teenager, and in the
1990s, after failing at high energy physics, found his calling designing and
building embedded networking products, in the security sector.
Michael is a father of a teenager, and lives in Ottawa, Canada.
@[email protected] I love the reflections.
@[email protected] Took me three tries not to read “Oscar Meyer” (as in weiner). [Yes, I’m that immature]. But then I started to wonder if “hotdog architecture” is a thing.
@[email protected] presumeably the electromechanical converters are immune to EMP. Are the solid-state rectifiers? Are there control systems that monitor them that might be vulnerable? Just thinking aloud for reasons to keep the older converters.
@[email protected] I’ve been fascinated by these kinds of buildings and tunnels underneath them since I was a kid. Probably it was that George Martin Beauty and the Beast TV show that started that. Or Lex Luthor’s subway accessed lair. I wish Presidents would go back to travelling by (private) rail car.
@[email protected] I always assumed those buildings were just Transformers that got tired and sat down on Manhattan, and might at some point wake up and leave Earth.