• 57 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • Still struggling health wise and having to jump through bureaucratic hoops.


    (I went to hospital and was admitted overnight but didn’t get the intervention I was hoping for/need. Just an escalation of an existing referral.) This pattern may continue for some time so I’ll probably not be posting much about it and really downplaying it. Because it’s a bummer and nobody wants to read about all that for months or years.

    I’ve found something easy that speeds combing but might still go for the low maintenance cut when I have the chance. I’ve had the style before, so I know it looks sophisticated and suits me well.

    I haven’t been able to do much cooking or gardening lately but might still go and post to the instances in a bit. Pump up the comment numbers. 🙂

  • I have noticed there is a point in time when a product is newish but not brand new, so it might be more available on a grey day. And then after that short window the pickings are slimmer.

    I guess when something gets too popular others will find out about it and the shelves get cleared.

    We’re still talking about moisturiser and eye drops right? 😉

    Edit: Oh yes! And sometimes if things are getting very dry you can search for a ‘slime tutorial’ just to smooth out a rough patch.

  • I do both of those things. But for me that way leads to much more ripping out of knots. It’s like letting any knots dry only tightens them. And this is with a gentle shampoo and conditioner, because I’m using these bottles up before they expire.

    I’d rather just find something very wide toothed I can rake quickly through damp hair but the teeth on the shower comb look a bit blunt and the ‘wet care’ style is basically the same as the comb I have. The wet brush is very similar to the brush I have. The tangle teezer style I have can be used to detangle individual bad knots in lengths (wet or dry) but has such short bristles that it’s difficult to get through hair when trying to brush the top. I might try the combs with angled double teeth.

    For context

    I had extreme length hair for decades and it was well cared for. I managed it by combing extra products like leave-in through while damp, plaiting it, and brushing it morning and night starting at the tips.

    But I think it just tangles very easily because it’s so fine and even ‘normal long’ is now too much for me. It’s harder to lift my arms to brush or plait my hair. I also don’t want to buy expensive luxuries like extra hair products.)


    I’m also considering how much shorter I can go while still being able to tie it back. For me actual short hairstyles are the most fuss of all so that’s a no. My home cutting method results in layers so can’t go too short without turning it into a wolf cut (which means short pieces getting in my face or requiring pins/clips/styling).

    Or I could suck up my intense dislike for salons and pay the money to get a low maintenance straight cut bob that’s barely long enough for an elastic. (If I could cut a neat straight line of the right length at home I would have already done it.)