Picard is definitely the worst for this. It’s woefully generic and miserable.
On the other hand, SNW feels like it has much more of the TOS-era vibrancy, LD is pretty similar to TNG in terms of setting (plus modern humor of course)… Prodigy even takes the novel approach of seeming like generic sci-fi at first only to become probably the most similar to 90s Trek out of all the new shows, albeit in kid’s show format. Still, it’s really fun and is all about the hope the Federation represents.
And for that matter, while early Discovery is pretty dark, I feel like Discovery gets more hopeful. Sure, the 32nd century has kind of a “fallen utopia” thing going on, but it very quickly turns into rebuilding and by the end they’re looking hopefully to the future as they’re expanding their borders again. It’s different from the previous eras of Trek, but it’s still hopeful.
Yeah, fair enough. To my mind I guess I don’t think of array indexes as an example of actual zero based numbering, simply a quirk of how pointers work. I don’t see why one starting from zero has anything to do with the other starting from zero. They’re separate things in my head. Interestingly, the article you linked does mention this argument:
That said, I suppose I still use normal one-based numbering because that’s how I’m used to everything else working.