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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • People forget projects like this are done for fun. They put a lot of polish and organize it well enough that it looks professional, but just like this, it can be a single dev working on it on their free time. its super easy to create a project, get busy, and just fall off. They’re allowed to do that, plus while there’s always more stuff to do, even the existence of this app is already impressive, so I thank them for the work, and until I decide to start coding during my free time instead of playing video games or watching TV, I try not to be disappointed when a project slows or even dies.

    I hope the original dev is doing good, I thank them for their work, and congratulations on the twins, hope everything is going well for them, and hope they only come back when they feel ready, not when they feel forced to

  • Mitchacho74@lemmy.worldtoLinux Gaming@lemmy.mlFornite on linux
    8 months ago

    Yuzu is an interesting idea, I haven’t thought of that, but last I checked a few months ago, it was still not working, and I heard using wine to run the windows version can get you banned so I never tested it.

    On my steam deck I’ve been using Xbox cloud gaming (free if you’re willing to wait) or Amazon Luna (if you have prime), and they work decently well, much better than “not running at all”.

  • With federation, the content is shared between servers, that’s the act of federation. It downloads the posts from the other instance. So it would then be stored on lemmy.world, the only way to stop that is to defederate. The mobile apps mostly solve this problem as you can view content from lemmy.world and choose to add other instances, but the browser version isn’t setup to work that way, so it’s less than perfect, but it’s supposed to be easy for this content to exist all on its own and only show to other users in a single place when they want that. So if the admin team is afraid the largest community on a small and growing platform won’t have the means to fight a legal battle no matter if it is legal or not (I’ve been hearing a lot of legals), I get their reaction. hell reddit could easily target and crush Lemmy.world in court if they wanted to kill the platform. It isn’t much work as unfortunate as it is to go to that instance for that content

  • I think it’ll be tough to find that corner of it… I think I saw a conservative community on lemmy.world but the platforms original purpose was to get away from the big, controlling, capitalist social media platforms the likes of Twitter, Instagram, reddit, etc. Like mastodon, the largest part of the fediverse (I’m pretty sure), grew alot when twitter was brought by Elon, and more moved after he messed up the platform enough, saying they’ll create their own platform where hate won’t be allowed. It’s kinda against it’s nature to have much conservative-ness.

    Not trying to be rude as based on how this sounds, you seem nice enough and not crazy, but places like mastodon are basically the left’s version of “Truth social” where people are pretty ok with saying “I don’t want those thoughts spread here” those thoughts they don’t want are usually things like homophobia or transphobia, but those are fairly common on the right even if you don’t share them.

    It’s an interesting thought and would probably be alittle healthier, but hey you’re still here being able to provide that counter point of view

  • If you got any programming skills, Lemmy’s code is open source and improvements to these expensive calls (or just any call) would most likely help the server. I’m also sure moderation tools would probably make their job easier and just improvements to the platform as a whole would probably help (more users, more possible donations, especially if it gets closer to platforms like reddit)

    But without any technical skills like that, probably just helping communicate stuff like this, like if someone’s complaining, explaining this, is probably the best you can do (and it ain’t much)

  • Yeah they’re saying they just gave it up. The thing is, I get wanting to be different from reddit, but over half of our users came from reddit, I miss using it at times, and many moved over solely to stick it to spez but don’t have any fundamental problems with how reddit is setup. Obviously Lemmy improves on it in ways, but Lemmy can 100% use reddit as influence to grow.

    If r/android is trying to move to Lemmy, most of this didn’t really exist until people moved from reddit, yeah they should have moved eariler, but to me, c/android should be the spiritual successor to r/android, and while I’m ok with different mods, if the original subreddit just up and moved 1 to 1 to Lemmy, I wouldn’t be upset, I probably would have done the exact same thing and gave the community to them, because they helped grow that community on Reddit and seemingly are willing to do it here too.

    Basically ideas and pepper from reddit aren’t bad solely because they came from reddit, not ALL outsiders are our enemies.

  • The thing is, each instance isn’t supposed to have their own of each community, like the goal is to have communities spread all over the fediverse. Lemmy.world not having a c/android isn’t a bad thing, because you can always connect to any other one.

    The parking community name is a good point if it is against the rules but I feel like that rule is just designed to do exactly what you’re looking for, having a version of each community on lemmy.world, defeating the whole point of the fediverse.

    Lemmy really needs to figure out a way to group many smaller instances of the same topic into one, like a multi-reddit feature. That way people can subscribe to a topic and it will combine all posts from the smaller android communities without having to create more and continue fragmenting it

  • Isn’t the whole point of Lemmy and the way communities work is if you want to moderate and don’t like the way the existing one does it, then create your own? Like I get your point here but basically it sounds like the ones in charge of it said “oh we don’t want to do this anymore”. If they opened it and started it off, it sucks it’s closed but a new one can always be reopened.

    Unless you’re looking to NOT do it that way, and have the admins help find new mods for any large community that decides to do something similar

  • That’s crazy interesting, I’ve heard of district heating in places like new York, but I’ve never really thought of the same for cooling.

    What’s abit confusing though is ACs really just move heat from the cold end to a hot end. Normal ACs just blow out and heat the outside air abit, which is part of the problem district cooling is trying to solve, but if all they did was release the heat into the air, it wouldn’t be any better.

    Anyone got any idea what they do with the heat energy? My first thought was they could be using geothermal from dirt far below the city that’s at like 50°F always, as some houses do, but I feel like they would be talking about “using the Earth’s energy to cool our cities” if that was the case

  • Building off what the other guy said, you’ll want to upgrade the hard drive when you can, I got the 64gb one and got two 500+ gb sd cards, but the shaders needed for the games can only be stored on the internal memory from what I’ve seen, and even having a few larger games installed has filled up the majority of my internal storage, to a point where I couldn’t download updates for flatpacs or run some games due to so LITTLE storage. I’m going to look into upgrading my drive because it became such a problem for me