technically the threshold for “different species” is “can’t reproduce with other species through normal biological means” so I think while it’s hard to argue that with other billionaires, Elon Musk is an interesting case since AFAIK all those kids with his genes were conceived through artificial insemination. you may be on to something; maybe we’re watching a divergence in action.
The musical instrument thing is transitory and depends entirely on the instrument.
Pre-relationship; in a popular band playing a more traditional instrument like guitar with a bunch of also attractive people (or at least part of a cool local scene) = hot
In a relationship and/or solo bedroom producing any kind of electronic music and/or buying lots of synthesizers, drum machines or grooveboxes = not hot
Also note how low “clubbing” is on the least attractive list, so no, DJs and electronic musicians who perform live don’t get a pass