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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 2nd, 2023


  • looks like more of the same, a video pushing the germ theory. Anyway, those in power are not forcing people to take that thing, people are taking it voluntarily. if a lot of people want to believe big pharma and govt are trying to protect them from an imaginary thing, it’s ok. Though it’s sad for kids and young because they have no choice, parents basically forced them.

    Rational people would first ask something like ‘can you show me the so called virus?’ ‘how come if we get healthy people with sick people they don’t get sick?’ ‘can you show me how this virus is supposedly fighting an immune system and causes a disease?’ ‘can you show me how this particle goes from one person to another and makes them sick?’

    the vast amount of people with no symptoms at all being diagnosed as asymptomatic or the common flu and influenza gone should at least make people suspicious about the pandemic. Basically they used the pcr tests to create as many cases as possible to make people believe there is a pandemic, all disguised as “science”. Without the crazy pcr testing everywhere, there is no pandemic. This test doesn’t even prove there is a virus or if someone is sick, but it’s “science”.

  • I understand you probably have seen family members or friends get diagnosed with cancer and paying a lot of money to the system to stay alive, so you live in fear it can happen to more of them or even to yourself. It doesn’t have to be like that, once you understand cancer is toxicity in your body you can avoid it. The reason there is so many people getting cancer in modern times is the toxicity we get in modern life style such as processed food, what we drink and pharmaceuticals. So change this toxic lifestyle and you will avoid cancer. Of course the medical industry says cancer is just bad luck or bad genes to make people think there’s nothing to do to avoid it.

    if you already have such condition, there are different methods you can use to get rid of it, none of them are promoted by the medical industry because they won’t make so much profit. if you’re not so blinded by the medical industry, take a look at documentaries of how others have dealt with this condition, I’ll give you an example: https://odysee.com/@notanotherbrick:f/The-Science-of-Fasting--_-Documentary:a

    it’s not really about we getting cancer treatments for “free”, the medical industry doesn’t really cares if people directly pay or the govt pays the bills for endless treatments of a population getting cancer. They only need people not to address the cause of why they’re getting cancer.

    hope this helps you or someone else

  • How does XMR prevent transactions from sanctioned nations?

    how does cash or digital cash(XMR) prevent transactions? your question doesn’t make much sense

    it would be like asking a 20$ dollar bill to stop being transacted from someone sanctioned. A 20$ dollar bill itself cannot discriminate who is using it. You give that 20$ bill to someone and they don’t know the history of that 20$ bill, you don’t know who used it before and that’s why everyone can take it, because this means they know they will be able to use it.

    when something is fungible like cash or digital cash(XMR), law enforcement needs to find other ways to stop what they considered sanctioned nations or criminals or bad people or whatever.

  • indeed

    there are wars all the time, tax payer money funds wars. It would be very hard for governments to start or keep wars going without tax payer money. If there’s no more money, govts just get loans which of course will be payed by tax payers.

    And then after the war is finished in some place, international banks give loans to rebuild and it will be payed by several generations of tax payers, even people that haven’t even been born yet will be paying.

    But having said that, endless wars, the killing and the suffering don’t matter because highways, please people think about the public highways. We shouldn’t complain about the funding of wars, whenever there is war just tell yourself it’s ok and don’t even mention how wars are funded because highways.

  • That rush to safety in both the Crypto Crash and Covid

    in that chart, why did you pick around May 1st 2021 as the date of a rush into safety because of the so called viruses thing?

    it seems wishful thinking in your analysis or just wrongly naming the reason for that chart spike because the virus narrative started hard in all western world in March 2020 and that was the period of extreme uncertainty where all western governments and media followed the same agenda, measures and narrative, “casually” all at the same time, changing people’s lives thus creating uncertainty.

    if you also agree March 2020 was a period of uncertainty, why there’s no such spike in the chart at that time?