There are but from what I’ve read none were required for this building, because it was only used as storage.
There are but from what I’ve read none were required for this building, because it was only used as storage.
Did you still remember lots of your password parameters, or was it just really short to be solved that fast?
If you sync it it isn’t offline by definition. Might not have to be on google/one drive, but has to be acessible over some network (probably even the internet).
Da steht aber Runterfahren, nicht ausschalten 🤓
As buying the card seems to be a political donation I don’t think that would be very legal. Afaik it is highly illegal to donate on behave of a non-citizen or non-resident.
But idk what the law says about donating more then you can afford and then stabalizing your finances by selling a whole bunch of vanity CAH cards on ebay.
Are there any more funny jokes after that button? I only get
Hi, non-American person.
Unfortunately, only US citizens (and permanent residents) are eligible to participate in this whole thing. Sorry Canucks and weird British perverts.
(Which is still funny)
And how much did they offer you?
Her’s how you might also be able to help:
Is there some way I can force Elon Musk to pay $47 to Cards Against Humanity PAC?
Funny you should ask! If you’re a registered voter in PA, GA, NV, AZ, NC, WI, or MI, just type your name into this dumb website for his PAC, put “[email protected]” as your referrer, and they’ll be legally obligated to pay us $47. The more people who do this, the more Musk money we’ll get to un-fuck America.
If he doesn’t pay up, we’ll sue him again.
Im Ausland glaube ich. Nähre Infos habe ich zzt. nicht.
Thanks, yeah I’m not so fovused atm. But defenetly still too many homless folk.
So like 1 in 50 500 pll is homeless?
That’s crazy. Ther is not even a significant crisis or war directly affecting the US.
Edit: I can’t read
Edit II : OK, reading was fine (on the first go) I just did my math with 1million = 100* thousand … I am tired and have a cold, please excuse my many fumbles in this comment xD.
I think you underestimate how gay lemmy is.
That was my first reaction as well. Even if you say you can see that it doesn’t return a bool it’s still ambiguus as to what (if anything) happens when the state is sucked/unsucked. I would also prefer a name like GuranteeSucked or EnsureIsSucked.
Why does the gay sauna provide I-Pads?
Was hat das mit dem hash zu tuen? Dachte es geht darum die entropie des PWs zu erhöhehn?
Yeah, yeah sure funny sign.
But 130$NT for a boba milk tea? What are they smoking?
Oh Gott, sorry. Ich habe deinen originalkommentar zu flüchtig gelesen und gedacht, du redest über die BSW-Spender*in und meinst, dass sie eigentlich auch gut in das Volt schema passen könnten…
Danke fürs geduldige erklärwn
Das Geld kam von ei er Juta Steiner
Hast du ne Quelle dazu, weil das würd diesem Artikel aus den Kommentaren hier wiedersprechen. Laut dem Sind die Spender*in des großteils des Betrags “Lotte Salingré und Thomas Stanger”.
Ich muss sagen, dass ich den Spender nachvollziehen kann. Auch wenn ich in der Aktuellen Situation in der Welt nichts von bedinungslosem Pazifismus halte, kann ich es respektierne, wenn das für einige Leute eine sehr wichtige Grundlage ihrer Wahl/Unterstützungsentscheidung ist. Und der Artikel ließt sich ja so, als ob das der Grund für die Spende ist. Hatte honestly schlimmeres erwartet (Schwurblerkram, Russlandkram, Nazikram, …).
Es ist natürlich trotzdem nicht ok, dass Einzelpersonen einen so unverhältnissmäßigen Einfluss auf die Politik haben.
Wo hast du das mit dem Kryptounternehmer her? In dem Zdf-Artikel steht nur was von Veranstaltungstechnik.
Plus the whole exploiting poor people thing: