• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • The USA lies much more than Russia. The US press dutifully reports every word the US wants it to, in order to maintain access and credentials and be taken “seriously”.

    NATO is not a defensive alliance, and it never has been. It was set up as an anti-communist alliance, but it is not essentially just a tool for US dominance. Its first action was an offensive action against Yugoslavia, who never attacked NATO. Its next action was to invade Afghanistan, who had offered up Bin Laden in exchange for avoiding the invasion (but the US refused, and stated they don’t negotiate with terrorists). Also, Afghanistan never attacked the USA or any NATO member state

  • Yes, every country must bow down the the United States and its junior partners. I see now. Wars can only have one bad actor, and one reason for occurring, and Ukraine is a shining beacon of democracy, and not a nearly identical country with a nearly identical political system (except until maybe the Nazi & US led coup in 2014).

    The world will absolutely not be a better place if the US/NATO wins. The US government serves finance capital and the defense industry before any regular person. Russia sucks, but they don’t have control over the rest of the world the way that the US does. The US is not a bastion of freedom or human rights, it the the world #1 jailer and is responsible for millions, if not tens of millions, of deaths around the world in the past few decades alone. While the planet boils from the economic system they defend to the death, they will be rewarding their class with money hand over fist, selling weapons and gas to their client states in europe, and all while telling us that they are fighting for human rights the whole time. The US has even written position papers that the war is good for them (check out the original RAND paper written prior to the war) They think using this proxy war will weaken a potential geopolitical threat, and they have had a huge windfall increasing their sales of LNG and weapons. The US wants to fight russia to the last ukranian and instead of calling for some kind of peaceful settlement liberals are frothing at the mouth for russian blood and calling them orcs, pretending it isn’t racist at all

  • It absolutely was a civil war, it began with a US-instigated coup, with US state department officials calling the shots for who will lead Ukraine afterwards and passing out bread and cookies to the protestors (very different to how they treat protestors at home only six years later) … You should listen to the leaked phone call with victoria nuland if you think the US wasn’t involved… Anyway, the civil war had led to thousands dying and Ukraine had effectively lost control of a large part of the country for nearly a decade… sounds like a civil war to me.

    You are delusional if you think that Russia will “get their teeth kicked in and get beaten out of the country”… Ukraine is literally losing, or at best, in a stalemate. They are in the process of losing the third army they have raised and Russia has not fully mobilized… I don’t think Russia was right to invade, but they had a much better reason to do so than the US when it invaded Iraq, or Syria, or Afghanistan, or Vietnam, or really any other conflict short of ww2

  • Should “peaceniks” support sending weapons to Ukraine too? Pretending that Putin is the singular reason this war happened is ridiculous.

    Did the US electing Obama end racism? Did it mean that suddenly the US state was no longer racist or white-supremacist?

    It doesn’t matter much if their president is Jewish, when there are literal Nazi’s in control of large parts of the military and other parts of the government. Zelensky was elected to enforce the Minsk accords, and the Nazi’s in the military laughed in his face and humiliated him, so he did the self-serving thing… like any other politician. As an anarchist and a socialist, you should be more concerned that Zelensky outlawed basically all leftist parties and orgs, while sparing all the right-wing ones… this was even before the invasion.

  • I am confused by that quote. It could just as easily be read from a pro-Russian-invasion stance as not. I am not pro-Russian invasion btw) The US abandoned the intermediate nuclear missile treaty with Russia unilaterally, which changed the security architecture of eastern Europe. Then they began to pour arms into Ukraine, while encouraging Ukraine to make a bid to join NATO… which was something that Russia had told the US was a red line for their security interests in 2008. “War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want. - William Tecumseh Sherman”

    There was a discontinuity in Ukraine’s government in 2014, which was been acknowledged by many international organizations, like the EU, and which Ukraine used as a pretext to ignore other old treaties and agreements… so idk how it really applies. It would be cool if countries that militarily occupy other countries or bomb other countries would stop. Like it would be cool if the US got out of Syria too, but i bet a majority of US citizens would agree, but US “democracy” doesn’t really allow them much of a say in those sorts of decisions