The one kid smashed a kid’s face into a toilet till it broke, toilet and kid’s face, and news crew came filming where we found out almost all our classes are made out of asbestos, late 2000s
The one kid smashed a kid’s face into a toilet till it broke, toilet and kid’s face, and news crew came filming where we found out almost all our classes are made out of asbestos, late 2000s
So disappointed that no meteorologist said: “a meteor probably”.
Yeah I feel like an outlier in this post. I was engaged and dreamt big, like 2-5 kids, 2-4 dogs. So I bought a big house, which I am very fortunate to afford because I live in a rural mining area. So sitting with a 4 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, 2 living area, outside area by the pool, we call it a lapa, large kitchen with two separate washing areas, triple garage + area for additional 4 vehicles. The problem was she got knocked up by someone else unfortunately 6 months later, so I have a big ass house now. So I basically opened it up for people in need, this week I will have 4-5 people living with me, an abused mother with her mother to support her during the trail, hectic what some men are capable of, next week it will be about two, basically a long-term room mate, she started out as a temp but really helps in the household looking after my dogs, so it is a win win for me, and another guy that got fired and just needs a couch for a couple of days.
Also 4 dogs, 3 adopted and one was my own.
But god I miss my small 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom flat. Sounds weird but that is all I needed except a garage which it did not have, I love working and maintaining my vehicles myself.
But I am keeping my house since property prices went crazy this last year-ish, it is now cheaper paying my bond than renting a 1 bedroom flat plus nowhere for my furry dogs. Plus if I do get my family one day, they will have an awesome house
Cannot believe iPhone does not have the sugon feature
They were, give it till January and they will be fine
Ok it is your choice fully, and is in my opinion a good choice, but as a non American I thought of this funny hypothetical question.
So even during the first civil war you were against the Republican party?
Well I was not even focused on the USA in my reasoning of why in Mexico it is a bad thing to extend the democratic process to the election judicial branch of government or generally every decision to the public.
The USA has issues in their democratic elections, gerrymandering in certain states being one, the electoral college giving most or all the electoral votes to the winner and not a portion in relation to votes, propaganda being openly discussed on “entertainment” news channels. Then there is even lobbying that is allowed, politicians being able to buy and sell stock based on insider information, paid speaking events.
And the ruling by elites will in any system be an issue, even oppression by the majority can be an issue, that is usually why you have a good constitution, that lays the foundation of how government should work, the different spheres and how it should protect the most vulnerable in society. It has mechanisms to protect against an interest group gaining power to basically twist the system to their will and finally the last resort is the democratic vote of the people to ensure accountability.
After these mechanisms have failed there is no pretty answer on how to easily get back to a fair system. In my country South Africa, where we had a system that disenfranchised the majority of the population, I am glad that we had a bloodless coup d’etat and now we have one of the most progressive constitutions in the world, but even that wasn’t enough again from a connected small majority from almost ruling the country. Luckily in our last election, in the first time in 30 years the ruling party lost their majority and now we have a 10+ party coalition ruling majority government, and in my opinion things are going good, but we know how fragile our democracy is and try to be as engaged as citizens can be.
Agree, but there are many flavours of it. For example we began the discussion on how Mexico extended their democracy to now include the judicial branch of government, others can be how they vote, for example electoral college in USA, ranked choice voting in some European countries like France or my country, South Africa, we have proportional representation and cannot even vote for our president
This example was exactly the issue Socrates had with democracy actually, saying that a demagogue would be elected as a president or leaders of government the majority of the time. His solution was just as vague, so let’s just say there is no perfect system yet. All have their benefits and drawbacks.
Look it is messy, my feeling is you vote or don’t vote for a party based on their policy and track record, but after elections they have the will of the people to act, so they should then focus on the technical issues of government by being guided by their election promises, policy and the country’s constitution to ensure that minorities aren’t discriminated against for example.
This example was exactly the issue Socrates had with democracy actually, saying that a demagogue would be elected as a president or leaders of government the majority of the time. His solution was just as vague, so let’s just say there is no perfect system yet. All have their benefits and drawbacks.
Look it is messy, my feeling is you vote or don’t vote for a party based on their policy and track record, but after elections they have the will of the people to act, so they should then focus on the technical issues of government by being guided by their election promises, policy and the country’s constitution to ensure that minorities aren’t discriminated against for example.
My opinion is, not based on Mexico, that the public is uninformed in the majority of decisions. Basically delegating power to the common person, especially technical decisions to the public will mean the most popular choice will win mostly, not the best choice. That is basically populism in a nutshell. Imagine you had to choose in this example a food policymaker, the one is the charismatic Willy Wonka that will say he wants everyone to eat sweets all the time, he wants you to eat whatever you want to eat, give you choices by subsidising all the sweets, worse he will attack Dr. Grouch, because he wants to tell you what to eat, force additional taxes on sweets to try and guide people to eat more gross vegetables, in fact basically force you, the poorest to have no choice but to eat these “healthy” foods. And unfortunately Dr. Grouch will agree, he wants you to eat "healthy food because in a couple of years you and your children will reap the benefits.
Well it’s too far for Netanyahu to turn around now. He is being rewarded politically and I feel like he has already put all his chips into the destroy Hamas and Hezbollah, no matter the collateral. The sad truth is that October the 7th basically was a golden ticket for Netanyahu politically.
I think it is the crash of Tesla, its evaluation is based on being a silicon tech startup, not as an automobile company. So when the shares finally fall in line with other car manufacturers valuation, shit is going to hit the fan. And I think he knows he needs a government bailout and sanctions on foreign EVs specifically to price the competition out of the market. His entire empire is basically being propped up by the Tesla share price. He needs to go all in, it is survival mode for him right now
Now this puts a smile on my face. I know Android is looking nux based, but I am thinking of Ubuntu Phone idea a decade ago, later tried with Samsung and their desktop integration. You have your phone, where you recieve emails and stuff, then at work it goes in a dock and boom, there is your desktop, a real Linux one, where you can work on.
Well sorry to be the golf course, but those 2nm chips are going to change the world, that and be Taiwan’s reason to buy protection from America. Really feel a Golf course’s rights are outweighed by 2nm chips
I feel exactly the same, he tried telling an edgy joke but man did it fuck up. Imagine a roast so bad it may have really burnt Trump’s chances in swing states, that I think will be the best joke ever
Some of us like to tinker. We really get satisfaction of having a weird niche filled and even if it comes at the cost of stability and other issues. Heck my Custom Roms used to be more up to date with security updates than phones that were older than one year.
I could use kernels that undervolts my processor to give me better battery life. It allowed features that even 5 years ago were on the custom ROM scene still very absent from modern phones.
But the most important part for me was learning, discovering. If I tried a new ROM I would spend hours going through certain roms settings. If there is a glitch, learn how to diagnose and try to fix it, or learn to send a logcat to the developer.
It was like a fun hobby. I learned how to fix some of my old phones, like screen replacement, and learned how to cure uv reactive glue. So many other things and I was just a noob.
But it gave freedom. I understand iPhone and the other high brands are easy to use, have gimmicky features and all, but dammit I have freedom to have my weird niche phone, with multiple breaking features and I loved it because it just worked.
If Google truly did hold security as its main concern, it would have opened the play Store, yet we know now they only wish to protect their monopoly
Remember Trump is only there because almost half of voting Americans support him
Opening a can of worms here, but I might have an opinion going against the grain. The minimum wage rate is not the problem, technically it should be $0.
The issue here is basically legislation, policies and government, that has been captured by these big corporations to be business friendly and antagonistic to the workers.
Make no mistake being friendly towards businesses should be important, basically the driver of the economy, why these three billionaires are not the root cause of your problem. Your root problem has been the corporate capture of your government, that has bled through your other pillars of democracy, your judicial and finally the big one, the people. Americans are, in my opinion, so addicted to fast news, so that everything should stir an emotional response. You have been polarised for political and vested interest gains. You have let yourselves down. By not uniting, by dividing yourselves, you the people have become weak, thus a united market will take advantage of you, distract you to non issues, while conquering your nation.
It can be changed but only if there is a cultural change, and the will of the people will guide that change.
Like the easiest choice ever, I keep burning my fingers everywhere else yet Mint is the one I always come back to