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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I don’t know that they really threaten the rule of law, since none of their bullshit ever actually works

    This is the part that puzzled me - how can a movement like this continue to grow without any success stories whatsoever? It doesn’t make sense. Until I realized there’s a whole industry setup to drift these idiots out of their money. You can buy a sovcit passport, sovcit drivers licenses, all manner of stuff. None of it is worth as much as the paper it’s printed on, but they pay anyways.

    It’s a whole industry designed to convince [stupid] people that if they just say the right combination of words, they get to selectively exist withing society and skirt rules.

  • And this is why we never have any money for investing in domestic programs to improve anything. If it’s not Korea, it’s Vietnam, if not Vietnam, it’s Kosovo, if not Kosovo, it’s Iraq, if not Iraq it’s Afghanistan, if not Afghanistan, it’s Ukraine. Have you ever questioned why there’s always a new crisis that makes Raytheon execs rich, but mysteriously leaves nothing to spend on civilians here at home?

    It’s absolutely not the reason lol. The reason you can’t invest in domestic programs like universal healthcare or post-secondary education financing reform is because half of your fellow Americans oppose it, and vote accordingly. Convincing others matters.

  • Russia has been an expansionist force for centuries - long before the October revolution. There’s various explanations for this such as Russia constantly feelings vulnerable due to the vast plains to their west without any natural Geographics barriers. But instead of forging literally any true alliances or building any soft power with the nations in that area they just constantly antagonize all of them. The one country they have on side is Belarus and that’s because they have to constantly prop up its leader against the will of their people. No good will, only force.

    The current former Soviet countries in that area have the distinct memory of living under Russian control during the USSR and shockingly - want no part of it again. So they join NATO. Voluntarily. To the tankie if someone wants to join NATO, no matter how rational their reasoning for doing so, it must be because the CIA and “the West” tricked them into it. Smaller countries and the people who live there never have any agency.

    After the USSR , western political discourse was full of talk about whether NATO is obsolete. Russia did everything possible to prove that wrong.