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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Why? What should people know about Texas power grid upgrades?

    Best I can see right now is ERCOT and others saying lots of upgrades have been made, but not specifics. I can see ERCOT and the legislature going back and forth on a “market overhaul” that no one can quite agree on yet and which favors more on-demand sources (natural gas and such). Can you point to where people should read about upgrades?

    I think there is a bad title here, but that’s not the title at the link. I don’t know where this title came from. OP? The link is a pretty straight forward reporting of this recently released EIA report and doesn’t seem to contain much of the author’s opinion (apart from being on a renewable biased website).

  • A search for “asymmetrical spoon” gives a few that are shaped just like OP’s. These ones look particularly close in shape. They also have sort of similar design around the handled ends - at least in that they have designs rather than a fully plain end.

    OP doesn’t say anything about the flatter side being thinner or sharper. I think if meant to cut into grapefruit or ice cream that side would be sharper/thinner. Absent sharpening, a pointy spoon should penetrate something easier than a less pointy one - and these look less pointy than if they were symmetrical. Plus, you’d bend those up pretty quick in hard ice cream I think. I think they’re just asymmetrical for the sake of it, a point of distinction perhaps marketed as favoring right handed people in getting liquids off a flat surface better.

  • This article doesn’t actually mention the values of the temperatures (probably to cover relieve themselves of the responsibility of those details) so I’ll go to their first link, the theHill.com one. They don’t directly give a value in their text either…

    Reading that, the exact same thing is happening as that twitter screenshot thread with the map of the southern US color coded for temperatures.

    Basically, wet bulb globe temperature is being conflated with wet bulb temperature. Globe is in the sun, the other is not. The thehill.com source uses a chart and description for globe, doesn’t mention the word globe anywhere, then says you can’t survive more than 35C with a link to a study. That 35C/88F is the limit for a wet bulb temperature, not wet bulb globe temperature. Obviously measuring something in the sun is going to give a higher number than in the shade. You can’t say “it’s this temperature” referencing wet bulb globe and also say “you couldn’t survive that temperature” using the “survivability” limit of wet bulb without any sort of qualification/clarification as to the distinction. Obviously it’s hotter in the sun. If that same temperature is reached in the shade it’s that much hotter in the sun.

    Sure, we’re all facing extreme climate apocalypse, but this is annoying that the terms are being used as the same thing, and I’d argue detrimental to the cause. When these things are incorrect, it’s just more ammunition for deniers and doubters to point at to justify their continued intentional ignorance.