• 9 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023

  • I like the ideology of socialism where workers control the means of production but I think a revolution will always put the power in the hands of the few as a by-product. I agree with Marx on a lot of points, but I also disagree with him on others.

    Rest assured that this is my own opinion and I seriously thought about it over a couple of years and came to my own conclusion. You can frame the conclusion simply as this:

    Capitalism does a lot of bad, capitalism also does a lot of good (think cheaper food production and more investment into equipment for productivity). So there are two solutions. Remove capitalism or remove the bad. In my opinion removing capitalism is a surefire way to remove the bad but will also remove the good. Removing the bad from capitalism is a lot more complex and turns a sprint into a marathon but I think the end product will lead to a more equitable society that’s genuinely controlled by the people.

    That’s my personal opinion.

  • Four point on lemmy. I have some comments the between social dem and Marxism line though.

    Well… I think public private partnerships are the way to go with profit sharing and workers being a part of the decision making process. I also think a lot of industries should be handled by the government or have a government company that is strictly non-profit. People should also have the choice of a free Internet connection if they don’t want to pay for high speeds and public transportation should be free and good. Social housing should be built in massive quantities and nimbyism should not outweigh the benefits of the people.

    Taxing negative effects on people via pollution should be taxed out of existence. Natural resources should be state-owned and work for the benefit of the people. Compaign donations should be illegal and loopholes should be closed.

    These are all policies that are Marxism inspired but they still keep the capitalist element and a market economy. I think a market economy can be good but really needs a firm hand to guide it so it doesn’t fuck everything up.

    I believe that this area of policies should be explored more and instead of just saying “Marxism is best” then think about what an economy with 70%-90% collectively owned would look like.

  • Here’s a link that with a definition. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationalism

    Nationalism is an idea and movement that holds that the nation should be congruent with the state. As a movement, it presupposes the existence and tends to promote the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining its sovereignty (self-governance) over its perceived homeland to create a nation-state. It holds that each nation should govern itself, free from outside interference (self-determination), that a nation is a natural and ideal basis for a polity, and that the nation is the only rightful source of political power. It further aims to build and maintain a single national identity, based on a combination of shared social characteristics such as culture, ethnicity, geographic location, language, politics (or the government), religion, traditions and belief in a shared singular history, and to promote national unity or solidarity. There are various definitions of a “nation”, which leads to different types of nationalism. The two main divergent forms are ethnic nationalism and civic nationalism.

    And here is another one https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationalization

    Nationalization (nationalisation in British English) is the process of transforming privately-owned assets into public assets by bringing them under the public ownership of a national government or state.[1] Nationalization contrasts with privatization and with demutualization. When previously nationalized assets are privatized and subsequently returned to public ownership at a later stage, they are said to have undergone renationalization. Industries often subject to nationalization include telecommunications, electric power, fossil fuels, railways, airlines, iron ore, media, postal services, banks, and water (sometimes called the commanding heights of the economy), and in many jurisdictions such entities have no history of private ownership.

    Nationalization may occur with or without financial compensation to the former owners. Nationalization is distinguished from property redistribution in that the government retains control of nationalized property. Some nationalizations take place when a government seizes property acquired illegally. For example, in 1945 the French government seized the car-maker Renault because its owners had collaborated with the 1940–1944 Nazi occupiers of France.[2] In September 2021, Berliners voted to expropriate over 240,000 housing units, many of which were being held unoccupied as investment property.[3][4]

  • Nationalism is more about elevating a certain ethnic group and creating a nation in the process if needed. WW2 Germany was all about elevating Germans at the cost of everyone else. It rose to prominence in 18th century Europe when nations in Europe declared themselves as independent.

    Nationalizing is about taking a resource or a company and putting it into the hands of the state for the people.

    These are two completely different concepts with a small overlap.

  • This sounds like a worker cooperative which is a classic socialist concept that could be applied to modern social democrat capitalism.

    Since I straddle the line in my political views between Marxism and social democracy I’d like to share an approach.

    Mandatory profit sharing and workers always have a certain proportion of the board elected democratically. Simple as that. CEO bonuses should be made illegal and all of those profits should be funneled to the workers. People will be a lot more involved in the corporate governance and it will align the will of the workers with that of the shareholders.

    Economists say that in the long run productivity is everything and worker’s having a for-profit voice that will make arguments like “we’re losing our best workers because of low pay” to increase salaries is important. This will make each person higher paid and more productive.

    You guys know about Walmart, that one rose to success by profit sharing but capitalism got the better of it and now so many workers both time and money poor because they work there.